Student Statement of Principles


As a student at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, I understand that it is a great privilege to study medicine. Over the course of my training, I will assume extraordinary responsibility for the health and well-being of others. This undertaking requires that I uphold the highest standards of ethical and compassionate behavior. Accordingly, I have adopted the following statement of principles to guide me throughout my academic, clinical, and research work. I will strive to uphold both the spirit and the letter of this code in my years at UCSF and throughout my medical career.


  • I will maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.
  • I will neither give nor receive aid in examinations or assignments unless such cooperation is expressly permitted by the instructor.
  • I will be truthful with patients and will report accurately all historical and physical findings, test results, and other information pertinent to the care of the patient.
  • I will conduct research in an unbiased manner, report results truthfully, and credit ideas developed and work done by others.
  • I will uphold a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning.
  • I will treat patients and their families with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussions with other members of the health care team.
  • I will interact with patients in a way that ensures their privacy and respects their modesty.
  • I will interact with all members of the health care team in a considerate and cooperative manner.
  • I will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or socioeconomic status.
  • I will judge my colleagues fairly and attempt to resolve conflicts in a manner that respects the dignity of every person involved.
  • I will regard confidentiality as a central obligation of patient care.
  • I will limit discussions of patients to members of the health care team in settings removed from the public ear (e.g. not in elevators, hallways, cafeterias).
  • I will uphold all privacy policies and laws including but not limited to those in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • I will set patient care as the highest priority in the clinical setting.
  • I will recognize my own limitations and will seek help when my level of experience is inadequate to handle a situation on my own.
  • I will conduct myself professionally--in my demeanor, use of language and appearance--in the presence of patients, in the classroom, and in health care settings.
  • I will not use alcohol or drugs in any way that could interfere with my clinical responsibilities.
  • I will not use my professional position to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with patients or members of their families.
  • I have the right to expect clear guidelines regarding assignments and examinations, as well as to have testing environments that are conducive to academic honesty.
  • I cannot be compelled to perform procedures or examinations which I feel are unethical or beyond the level of my training.
  • I have the right to not be harassed and to not be subjected to romantic or sexual overtures from those who are supervising my work.
  • I have the right to be challenged to learn, but not abused or humiliated.
  • I have the right to expect prompt, frequent and constructive feedback from housestaff and attending physicians that will enhance my training in medicine.

Accountable Dean or Director: Associate Dean for Students

Last Updated: June 2016

Last Reviewed Date: July 30, 2019