Readmissions Policy


To clarify the eligibility of and procedures for a student who requests readmission to the UCSF School of Medicine.


UCSF prides itself in its recruitment of talented and passionate students who exemplify the characteristics and qualities necessary to become outstanding physicians. The standard UCSF MD program is a four-year, three-phase curriculum. Medical students also have the opportunity to combine their MD program with other degree-based or research activities that increase the time-span of their time to the MD degree in a predicable amount. In some instances, due to academic or personal difficulties; a student may request to withdraw from the program. UCSF recognizes extenuating circumstances and supports readmission of eligible students to complete their degree.

Related LCME Standards

10.3 Policies regarding student selection/progress and their dissemination


  1. The criteria for readmission to the School of Medicine should mirror the standards applied to all applications for admission to the School, including in particular: (i) evidence of outstanding academic performance; and (ii) personal attributes required for the practice of medicine.

  2. There should be evidence, if there were patterns of academic performance and behavior that led to the withdrawal, that they have  been addressed and resolved.


  1. Eligibility for Readmission
    • Only those who voluntarily withdraw from the UCSF School of Medicine while on good academic standing are eligible to apply for readmission.
  2. Petitioning for Readmission
    • Any student desiring readmission must discuss this plan with the Associate Dean for Students prior to submitting a petition for readmission
    • Petitions for readmission will be accepted no earlier than one full academic quarter after the date of the withdrawal and no later than four quarters following withdrawal, unless previously agreed upon by the School.  
    • A student seeking readmission must submit a letter requesting readmission to the  Associate Dean for Students. The petition letter should:
      • Request readmission
      • Describe the rationale for the decision to withdraw, including an assessment of any academic, health, or personal challenges present leading up to or at the time that the student decided to withdraw.
      • Outline, in detail, all activities since leaving medical school, emphasizing those that the former student has undertaken in preparation for a return to the medical curriculum.
      • Describe how the former student has addressed any academic issues that contributed to the decision to withdraw and how the student’s approach to medical school will differ upon readmission in contrast to the approach that the student used prior to withdrawing from school.
      • Describe the resolution or status of any personal or health issues that may have affected medical school performance or how the student will meet technical standards with or without accommodations for any protected disability.
    • In addition to the letter, the following documents may be submitted in support of the student’s application for readmission.
      • If course work is completed during the time away from medical school, transcripts of grades will be required.
      • Up to two letters of recommendation in support of readmission will be accepted, but not required.
  3. Procedures for evaluating the petition for readmission
    • An ad hoc Committee on Readmission will be constituted.  The Committee membership is as follows; all have voting rights and all (or a designee approved by the Vice Dean for Education) must be present to participate in the decision-making process.
      • Associate Dean for Admissions (chair of the Committee)
      • Associate Dean for Curriculum
      • Chair of the Faculty Council’s Committee on Academic Standards
      • One faculty member in a curriculum leadership role
      • One faculty member at large
    • The  ad hoc Committee on Readmission will consider the following information:
      • The student’s letter requesting readmission, along with any other documents submitted by the student.
      • A report summarizing the student’s academic history during the time of their previous enrollment. This report will be prepared by the Medical Education Assessment team.
      • The committee may decide to interview the student in person; this is not a mandatory component of the readmissions process.
    • The Committee will, by simple majority, decide on one of the following recommendations to the Vice Dean for Education:
      • Readmission to the curriculum without conditions
      • Readmission to the curriculum on academic probation, with required remediation including repetition of elements of the curriculum.
      • Deferred decision pending resolution of ongoing issues
      • Denial of readmission
    • The final decision about readmission resides with the Vice Dean for Education. That decision will be communicated to the student in writing by email or other method. The decision may not be appealed.
  4. Conditions in the event of readmission
    • A student who is offered the opportunity for readmission cannot defer the readmission to another quarter or academic year.
    • Students who are readmitted following a withdrawal must complete the curriculum that is operational at the time of their readmission. This may require that the student repeat previous coursework.
    • Stipulations for academic progress will be outlined for any student who is readmitted following a withdrawal. This may require that the student repeat previous coursework.
    • A student is only eligible for readmission with advanced standing following a withdrawal once.


Stipulated above in Policy

Accountable Dean or Director: Vice Dean for Medical Education

Related Policies

  1. UCSF School of Medicine Medical Student Education Student Selection Admissions Policy
  2. Time to Graduation Policy

Approval Date and Governing Body: June 18, 2019, CCEP