About the Office of Graduate Medical Education
The UCSF Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) is dedicated to serving the residents, fellows, faculty, and staff in our many residency and fellowship programs. This office is staffed each week on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am - 4pm, subject to change.
GME Office Contact Information
500 Parnassus Ave., MU 250 East
San Francisco, CA 94143
Box 0474
Main Line: 415-476-4562
Email: ucsf-gme@ucsf.edu
GME Leadership
Katherine Julian, MD

Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Designated Institutional Officer
Professor of Medicine
GME Faculty
Michelle Guy, MD
Director, Outreach, Engagement & Retention for GME
Professor of Medicine

Glenn Rosenbluth, MD
Director, Quality and Safety Programs for GME
Professor of Pediatrics
Kristina Sullivan, MD
Director, Education and Assessment for GME
Professor of Anesthesia
GME Administration
Brittany Boznanski
Resident & Fellow Affairs Manager
Email: Brittany.Boznanski@ucsf.edu
- UCSF trainee appointments (and all related processes) & UCMe
- GME Short-term Rotators, Visiting Scholars, and Non-MD Student Rotators
ePrescribe (ePCS) for ACGME residents & fellows
Trainee competencies
GME SAFE Reporting
- Clinical systems access for GME residents & fellows and GME short-term rotators (ECHO, APeX)
- Medical licensing: CA Medical Board (MD & DO), PECOS, CURES, DEA
GME learners in distress & academic due process-related inquiries and concerns
- UCSF trainee appointments & UCMe
- GME Short-term Rotators, Visiting Scholars, and Non-MD Student Rotators
ePrescribe (ePCS) for ACGME residents & fellows
Clinical systems access for GME residents & fellows and GME short-term rotators (ECHO, APeX)
Trainee competencies
- GME Grand Rounds, GME College, Chiefs Leadership Series & GME Curriculum Committee
- Visiting Elective Scholars Program (VESP)
- Mix and Mingle Fund
- Thank-A-Resident/Fellow Day
- Residents and Fellows Leading Interprofessional Continuous Improvement Teams (REFLECT)
- Resident and Fellows Council
- Excellence and Innovation in GME Symposium & Awards
- Support for education initiatives including orientations, onboarding, development and boot camp events
- GME Assessment Committee & GME Diversity Trainee and Faculty Committees
- Recruitment Conferences (LMSA, SNMA, UCOP)
- Residency First & Second Looks
- GME Diversity Welcome Work Experience Survey
- Peer Support Ambassadors
- Doctor’s Day Fund
- Thank-A-Resident/Fellow Day
- Trainee Wellbeing Committee (WELLCOMM)
- Faculty Leadership Advisory Council (FLAC)
- Patient Care Fund (PCF)
- Excellence and Innovation in GME Symposium & Awards
Strategic initiatives manager for education, diversity, wellbeing adn continuous quality improvement
GME Pathways
GME New Resident and Fellows Orientation
- MedHub System Administrator
- Institutional Settings
- Program Management
- New Resident and Fellow Onboarding
- Data Analysis and Reporting
- Assistant to Kathy Julian, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
- Assistant to Jennifer Vogt, Director of Graduate Medical Education