Registration Policy


Implement a policy regarding medical student registration.


Registering for classes is a student's professional responsibility. Students who do not register, file a study list, and/or pay fees on time may not attend classes or clerkships until their registration obligations have been met.

The School of Medicine Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy requires that all students be registered for a minimum of 12 units per quarter. The exceptions are quarters where it is only possible to fit in one 9-unit core clerkship/vacation and also spring quarter of the 4th year when students finish in mid-May.

If a student registers late for more than one quarter and therefore files more than one request for permission to return to classes, s/he may receive an Institutional Physicianship form for failing to meet administrative responsibilities.

Please refer to the Registrar's website for all registration, fee payment, and study list filing deadlines.

Last Updated: June 2016

Last Reviewed Date: July 30, 2019