Institutional Policies

CME Retroactive Credit Policies
Clarifies continuing education credit granting policies for educational activities accredited through the UCSF Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME).

Continuous Quality Review Policy
A policy to support accreditation elements that the medical education program monitors to continuously improve the quality of its medical education programs.

UC Regents Policy 4405: Affiliations with Healthcare Organizations that Have Adopted Policy-Based Restrictions on Care

UC’s academic health centers and health professional schools have affiliations with other health care organizations to improve quality and access for the people of the state of California, particularly those in medically underserved communities, and to support UC’s research and public service mission.

Some of these organizations restrict certain evidence-based health care services. We affiliate with health systems that may restrict care only after we consider the implications for our patients, providers, and the diverse educational experiences for our students, residents and other trainees.

UC and UCSF expect that UC employees and trainees will deliver evidence-based health care services and, in those locations where a required service cannot be delivered, appropriate referrals or transfers must be made. If at any time a UC employee or trainee is asked to do otherwise, or a patient has a complaint, the University should be immediately informed as described in this August 18, 2023 announcement

Data Policies
Policies regarding email, electronic communications, requests for data, student photo policy, etc.

Diversity and Institutional Inclusion
A policy that outlines how the UCSF School of Medicine focuses recruitment and retention activities to achieve mission-appropriate diversity outcomes among its students, faculty, and senior administrative staff.

Evaluations Standardization Policy
A policy developed to streamline and standardize all course and educator evaluation forms across all four years of the Bridges Curriculum.

Graduate Medical Education Policies
Includes eligibility policy, housestaff leave policy, duty hours, moonlighting, evaluation, supervision, work conditions, etc.

Medical Student Policies and Guidelines
General policies such as policies regarding student surveys, jury duty, funding, etc. As well as, specific policies regarding computing, conduct and professional behavior, School of Medicine Regulations via the academic senate, USMLE and national board policies, and additional resources.

Medical Student Surveys
A policy around services that assist in the development, administration and analysis of surveys.

PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals

Program Evaluation Policy 
A policy developed to help contribute to the growth and enhancement of education, including teaching and learning at the UCSF School of Medicine, through scholarly, appropriate, and rigorous evaluation practices.

Residents as Teachers Policy
A policy outlining how UCSF graduate medical education programs prepare residents and fellows for their role in teaching medical students.

Technology Policies:  Policies regarding student technology requirements.

Volunteer Clinical Professors' Roles and Responsibilities Policy
A policy that outlines the roles and responsibilities of Volunteer Clinical Professors participating in the undergraduate medical education program.