LCME Accreditation

What is the LCME?
The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) is the nationally recognized accrediting authority for medical education programs leading to the M.D. degree in the U.S. (and Canada). The U.S. Department of Education recognizes the LCME as the accrediting body for programs of medical education in the U.S. 

Why is LCME accreditation important?
LCME accreditation is required in most states for licensing graduates and receiving federal financial aid. Only graduates of LCME-accredited schools are eligible for residency programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) purposes.

Dean Talmadge King sits at a conference table with medical students on either side of him

UCSF School of Medicine and LCME Accreditation
UCSF School of Medicine was last reviewed by LCME in 2019 and received full accreditation. The next formal review will take place during the 2026-2027 academic year. 

The accreditation review consists of four components:

  1. Data Collection Instrument (DCI)
  2. Faculty-led Institutional Self-study
  3. Student-led Independent Student Analysis (ISA)
  4. Site Visit by Faculty/Deans from other medical schools

Three people in conversation


UCSF LCME 2025-2027 LCME Accreditation Review Timeline
June-August 2025 DCI prepared (first draft) 
September 2025 Self-study kick-off retreat and ISA begins 
September-November 2025 Students prepare report and send finalized ISA to Self-study sub-committees 
December 2025 Self-study sub-committee reports and revised DCI finalized
January-March 2026 LCME Self-study Task Force finalizes Self-study Summary Report 
Late Summer/Fall 2026 Mock site visit to prepare UCSF community for site visit activities  
October 26-27, 2026 Submit survey package (DCI, ISA, and Self-study Summary Report) to LCME 
February 1-3, 2027 Accreditation Site Visit

Accreditation Contacts

The accreditation review process will be led by:

Karen Hauer, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Education, Faculty Accreditation Lead

Adnan Alseidi, MD, EdM, Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation

Arianne Teherani, PhD, Director of Program Evaluation and Education Continuous Quality Improvement

In Fall 2025, we will launch a formal institutional self-study involving faculty, students, and administrators. Regular updates will be shared through the Bridges Curriculum newsletter and leadership updates.

For program management and administrative questions related to the LCME accreditation process, please contact:

Laura Hannemann, MEd, Accreditation Program Manager

Kelly Smith Kao, MPP, Chief of Staff, Office of Medical Education


Frequently Asked Questions 

UCSF School of Medicine Guidelines & Policies 

Continuous Quality Review Policy 

MD Program Objectives

UCSF School of Medicine Strategic Plan