Medical Student Work Policy


Medical school and the medical student experience are a full-time endeavor. In order for you to develop the skills and form the professional identity of a physician, we encourage you to focus on the curriculum and the co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities that can bring meaningful engagement in a variety of professional and learning communities. We also recognize that having a paid part-time job may be helpful for some in mitigating the significant financial burden of medical school. This policy was developed with an appreciation of those goals.



Medical students at UCSF may work for pay no more than 20 hours/week during predominantly classroom-based instruction portions of the curriculum. During any clinical immersion – such as the current curriculum’s core clerkships and fourth-year clinical rotations – students may not take on an amount of outside employment that negatively impacts their ability to participate fully in clerkship activities or fulfill clerkship requirements.

Approval Date and Governing Body: May 15, 2015, CCEP

Last Updated: May 15, 2015