Use of Student Photo Guideline
Implement a policy regarding the use of medical students' photos.
The UCSF School of Medicine takes passport-style photographs of student upon entry to medical school. These photographs are used for educational purposes only and protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). At the time a photograph is taken, students can select to withhold their photograph from the photobook released to other medical students through our secure online learning environment, iROCKET. These permissions can be revised at any time by contacting Medical Student Services. The photographs are distributed annually to School of Medicine instructors and academic personnel. In addition, they are incorporated into a variety of essential academic information systems.
Replacement of Student Photographs
A multi-step process occurs to ensure that the photos have a similar look/style, then the photos are uploaded and propagated to various academic systems and distributed to instructors and academic personnel. We do not offer the ability to replace a student's photograph if it meets the schools minimum standards for quality. Students who wish to have their photo replaced must make a request to Medical Student Services, and if accepted, can come to the next first-year orientation photo session (usually the first week of September) and have a replacement photo taken.
Adopted by the School of Medicine in January 2007.
Accountable Dean or Director: Associate Dean for Students
Last Reviewed Date: July 30, 2019