UCSF's Education Showcase Highlights the Work of Faculty, Staff, and Learners of Health Professions Education and Educational Scholarship

Bridget O'Brien, Kai Kennedy, Kate Lupton, and Lisa Mihaly
In early May, the Center for Faculty Educators hosted UCSF's 22nd Annual Education Showcase, which highlighted the work of UCSF's faculty, staff, and learners in health professions education and educational scholarship. The Education Showcase included more than 80 presentations, with more than 70 being mini-oral presentations. All presentations emphasized the extensive collaborations among and between faculty and learners about the latest educational scholarship at UCSF and abroad. Two plenary sessions included teams nominated for the Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, which is the award given to the best abstract submissions by the AME Scholarship Committee for the Education Showcase.
The 2023 Cooke Award was presented to the following abstract submissions:
- Erica Brode, MD, MPH, Deborah Yip, Dolores Canales, Joseph Calderon, Brie Williams and Betsy Wan, MD for their work: Learning from lived experience: A community-engaged approach to improving carceral health curriculum in the family and community medicine clerkship.
- Kate Lupton, MD, FACP; Corina Iacopetti, MD, MA; Kai Kennedy, PT, DPT; Lisa Mihaly, RN, MS, FNP; Leticia Rolón, MD; Bridget C. O’Brien, PhD for their work: Development of Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive Competencies to Support Health Professions Educators

Attendees also learned about the latest research in Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and the clinical learning environment from the invited keynote speaker, John Young, MD, MPP, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Zucker School of Medicine. Following his keynote, Dr. Young moderated a panel of educational researchers currently applying CLT and showed the variety of educational research using CLT at UCSF. The panel presentations and discussions gave attendees insight into ways to apply CLT for a variety of learning environments. You can access an interview with Dr. Young and a recording of his keynote presentation.
Education Showcase 2023 Presentations are now available to access on Box (Login not required):