Teaching Scholars Program Graduation 2024: Building Our Scholarly Community
On September 10, the UCSF education community was invited to the final presentations of the graduating 2024 Teaching Scholars, who presented their scholarly work in education as an mini-orals format. The graduates' presentations highlighted unique and key educational research and showcased projects across all UCSF schools.
The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning
Teaching Scholars Program Welcomes Class of 2024 - 2025
The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning environments with their new knowledge and have helped the incoming class of new scholars recognize that they are linked to a long UCSF tradition of valuing the role of educators and education scholarship to enhance learning.
The application and selection process strives to select a cohort of teaching scholars that reflects
Academy of Medical Educators Welcomes New Class of 2024 and Honors Front-line Educators and Staff
The Haile T. Debas Academy of New Members' Annual Celebration of New Members honored the incoming Academy Class. It recognized the contributions of health professions education staff and "front-line" teachers, educators, and mentors who impact our learners and faculty peers regularly to make UCSF such an outstanding healthcare institution. This UCSF Community event was hosted Wednesday, September 11 online and at Byers Auditorium at the Mission Bay Campus.
Academy Class of 2024
Induction of school-wide faculty to AME: Welcome to the new members of the AME! These inductees demonstrate
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD, MS Honored with the Distinguished Master Educator Award from the Association for Surgical Education
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD, MS, Professor, UCSF Departments of Medicine and Surgery, has received the annual Distinguished Master Educator Award from the Association for Surgical Education. Dr. O'Sullivan is recognized for her skills as an excellent teacher, her consistent educational scholarship, and significant contributions to surgical education with national and international impact. The Distinguished Master Educator Award is given annually to advanced career clinicians and/or MS/PhD educators who have demonstrated excellence as master educators recognized on the national and/or
The Academy of Medical Educators Inducts the Class of 2023 and Honors Faculty and Staff with Education Awards
On September 13, The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators hosted its annual Celebration of New Members which honored the incoming Academy Class of 2023 and recognized the contributions of health professions education staff and "front-line" teachers and educators who impact our learners on a regular basis to make UCSF such an outstanding healthcare institution.
Congratulations to the AME's class of 2023:
- Noriko Tei Boyd Anderson, MD, MPH, Department of Neurology
- Sam Brondfield MD MAEd, Department of Medicine
- Kelly M. Cordoro, MD, Departments of Dermatology and Pediatrics
The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Announces New Endowed Chairs Holders
The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators (Academy, Academy of Medical Educators, or AME) announces its 2023 appointed matched and program based-endowed chair holders, whose terms start July 1 and serve for five years.
Matched Endowed Chairs:
Guided by the vision of the former dean of the UCSF School of Medicine, Haile T. Debas, the Academy has facilitated the establishment of a portfolio of matched endowed chairs in support of teaching excellence. These chairs have a five-year term limit and provide a limited discretionary income stream intended to support value added educational work
Teaching Scholars Program Graduation 2023: Building Our Scholarly Community
On September 5, the UCSF education community is invited to the final presentations of the graduating 2023 Teaching Scholars, who will present their scholarly work in education in a mini-orals format. The graduates' presentations highlight unique and key educational research and showcases projects across all UCSF schools.
The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning
A Chat with John Young, MD, MPP, PhD, Education Showcase 2023 Keynote Speaker
This year’s Education Showcase keynote, Dr. John Young, invited us to revisit the importance of considering Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) for the learning environment. Dr. Young shared his experiences using CLT in the clinical learning environment at his institution and presented his ongoing research of how CLT provides a framework to improve the learning experience, reduce learner fatigue and stress, and improve patient care. Dr. Young also presented next steps in his CLT work that consider further the effects of emotion in cognitive learning.
He's been at his research for a long time, and we
UCSF's Education Showcase Highlights the Work of Faculty, Staff, and Learners of Health Professions Education and Educational Scholarship
In early May, the Center for Faculty Educators hosted UCSF's 22nd Annual Education Showcase, which highlighted the work of UCSF's faculty, staff, and learners in health professions education and educational scholarship. The Education Showcase included more than 80 presentations, with more than 70 being mini-oral presentations. All presentations emphasized the extensive collaborations among and between faculty and learners about the latest educational scholarship at UCSF and abroad. Two plenary sessions included teams nominated for the Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD Receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal for her contributions to health professions education. Her Harmen Tiddens Educational Grand Lecture was held on June 2, 2022.
Dr. O’Sullivan is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Director, of the Research and Development in Medical Education, for the Center for Faculty Educators, at UCSF. A member of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators since 2013, she holds their Endowed Chair in Surgical Education. At UCSF she directs the Teaching Scholars Program and oversees the doctoral program in health