Teaching Scholars Program Graduation 2024: Building Our Scholarly Community

TSP Class of 2024
On September 10, the UCSF education community was invited to the final presentations of the graduating 2024 Teaching Scholars, who presented their scholarly work in education as an mini-orals format. The graduates' presentations highlighted unique and key educational research and showcased projects across all UCSF schools.
The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning environments with their new knowledge and have helped the incoming class of new scholars recognize that they are linked to a long UCSF tradition of valuing the role of educators and education scholarship to enhance learning.
Congratulations to the TSP Graduating Class:
- Ritu Bansal, MD, Medicine - Hyponatremia Uno
- Nu Chai, MD, Anesthesia and Perioperative Care - PLEX Encore – Giving Recorded Video Lectures New Life
- Anthony Ding, MD, Orthopaedic Surgery - Experience and Impact of Belonging among Orthopaedic Trainees
- Colin Feuille, MD, Medicine - Developing Senior Gastroenterology Fellows as Endoscopy Educators."
- Katelyn Hasse, PhD, Radiation Oncology - From Theory to Therapy – The Need for a Transition to Practice Curriculum for Medical Physics Residents
- Lily Hitchner, MD, Emergency Medicine - Coaching Skills Application Across Contexts
- Pramita Kuruvilla, MD, Medicine - Transformative Learning via Narrative Medicine
- Kewchang Lee, MD, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Outside the Comfort Zone: My Journey Developing a Firearm Injury Prevention Curriculum
- Lin Li, MD, Medicine - Implementation of a Community Engaged Learning Curriculum within SJV PRIME
- Daniela Maristany, MD, Medicine - Learner and faculty perspectives on professionalism feedback conversations
- Kendra Moore, MD, Medicine - The GME Peer Support Ambassador program: A program to advance a supportive and inclusive learning environment
- Hannah Potvin, MD, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Needs Evaluation for a Reproductive Mental Health Fellowship
- Joseph Sanford, MD, Neurology - Implementation of a Community Engaged Learning Curriculum within SJV PRIME
- Mark Terrelonge, MD, MPH, Neurology - Factors Influencing Neurology Program Directors’ Guidance on Fellowship
Co-directors: Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD and Bridget O'Brien, PhD
TSP Mentors: Christy Boscardin, PhD and Arianne Teherani, PhD