Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD Receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal

Patricia O'Sullivan, Creating an educator community in an academic health environment
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal for her contributions to health professions education. Her Harmen Tiddens Educational Grand Lecture was held on June 2, 2022.
Dr. O’Sullivan is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Director, of the Research and Development in Medical Education, for the Center for Faculty Educators, at UCSF. A member of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators since 2013, she holds their Endowed Chair in Surgical Education. At UCSF she directs the Teaching Scholars Program and oversees the doctoral program in health professions education as well as leads efforts in faculty development and educational research. View Dr. O'Sullivan's lecture below or click the link if you have problems loading the video.
UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Grand Lecture (video)