The Power of Teamwork in Health Systems Improvement: 2024 UCSF School of Medicine Health Systems Improvement Symposium

Entering Third Year, Anti-Oppression Curriculum Initiative Builds Community and Momentum

"You Belong Anywhere You Want"

First In-Person White Coat Ceremony since 2019 Focuses on Shared Humanity and Social Justice
After two years of virtual ceremonies, the 2022 White Coat Ceremony was a stirring in-person celebration. The event marked an important rite of passage into the medical profession for this year’s incoming class of UCSF medical students.
The White Coat is a traditional symbol of the medical clinician and scientist, and has come to represent the knowledge, skill, and integrity of our profession,” said Marc Schenker, MD, Vice President of the UCSF Medical Alumni Association.
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD Receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal for her contributions to health professions education. Her Harmen Tiddens Educational Grand Lecture was held on June 2, 2022.