The Power of Teamwork in Health Systems Improvement: 2024 UCSF School of Medicine Health Systems Improvement Symposium

On December 5th, students and faculty filled the Mission Bay Conference Center for the eighth annual UCSF School of Medicine Clinical Microsystems Clerkship Health Systems Improvement Symposium. The event celebrated the efforts of 163 medical students who completed a year and a half of work on quality improvement at UCSF-affiliated clinical sites as part of the Clinical Microsystems Clerkship (CMC) component of the Foundations 1 curriculum. Thirty teams of students, each led by a faculty coach, tackled projects aimed at enhancing patient care across UCSF Health sites, Zuckerberg San Francisco
Entering Third Year, Anti-Oppression Curriculum Initiative Builds Community and Momentum

The Anti-Oppression Curriculum Initiative (AOCI) team recently marked the second full academic year of the three-year process of evaluation, reflection, and redesign to move the Bridges Curriculum on the path towards an increasingly anti-oppressive approach, in partnership with faculty, students, and staff. The initiative team is led by Denise Connor, MD and is a foundational element of the broader Anti-Oppression Charter, overseen by Associate Dean for Curriculum, John Davis, PhD, MD.
The School of Medicine is committed to continuing the work being catalyzed by the three-year AOCI. With
"You Belong Anywhere You Want"

The marble lobby of Herbst Theatre in San Francisco was awash in excited whispers, a sea of smiles, and the soft clap of high fives between new classmates. Filing into the auditorium, the UCSF School of Medicine Class of 2027 marked the first steps of their medical journey with the annual tradition known as the White Coat Ceremony.
The MD Class of 2027 matriculating on the UCSF campus includes 157 students from a broad range of backgrounds. Supporting UCSF’s mission of providing the Golden State’s next-generation of physician and science leaders, seventy-one percent of the class are from
First In-Person White Coat Ceremony since 2019 Focuses on Shared Humanity and Social Justice
After two years of virtual ceremonies, the 2022 White Coat Ceremony was a stirring in-person celebration. The event marked an important rite of passage into the medical profession for this year’s incoming class of UCSF medical students.
The White Coat is a traditional symbol of the medical clinician and scientist, and has come to represent the knowledge, skill, and integrity of our profession,” said Marc Schenker, MD, Vice President of the UCSF Medical Alumni Association.
The MD Class of 2026 matriculating on the UCSF campus includes 167 students from a broad range of backgrounds. Fifty-nine
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD Receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD receives the UMC Utrecht 2022 Honorary Harmen Tiddens Medal for her contributions to health professions education. Her Harmen Tiddens Educational Grand Lecture was held on June 2, 2022.
Dr. O’Sullivan is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Director, of the Research and Development in Medical Education, for the Center for Faculty Educators, at UCSF. A member of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators since 2013, she holds their Endowed Chair in Surgical Education. At UCSF she directs the Teaching Scholars Program and oversees the doctoral program in health