Orientation Resources

This list has been put together to assist residents and fellows in learning about and accessing the services and resources available to them from the Office of GME and in the broader UCSF community.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources
Office of Diversity and Outreach: The Office of Diversity and Outreach (ODO) serves as a campus leader in building diversity across all aspects of the UCS mission. Services include CARE Advocacy Resources & Education, Multicultural Resource Center, Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination, LGBT Resource Center, and more.
Educational and Professional Development Opportunities
GME Events and Calendar: The Office of GME hosts many events, workshops, and educational opportunities for the UCSF graduate medical education community. These events include monthly Grand Rounds, GME College, and more. Keep up to date by checking our GME Calendar often!
GME College: The GME College is a forum for residents, fellows, health professions learners, and faculty to learn about core topics in graduate medical education. The GME College serves not only as a curriculum in and of itself, but also as an opportunity to observe model curricula in action and to discuss with content and curricular experts, ways to adapt, build, and adapt curricula into training programs.
GME Grand Rounds: The Office of GME sponsors Grand Rounds for residents and fellows, via Zoom. Topics are relevant to trainees in all specialties and all are encouraged to attend. More information can be found on the GME Grand Rounds webpage including recording of past presentations and the calendar of upcoming sessions.
GME Pathways: The GME Pathways Program is a multi-disciplinary, interprofessional program for residents and fellows that supports the pursuit of inquiry and innovation. Pathways trainees are provided with a mentoring community and opportunities to explore academic disciplines through courses and scholarly projects.
REFLECT Program: The Residents and Fellows Leading Interprofessional Continuous Improvement Teams (REFLECT) Program. UCSF residents and fellows work to achieve UCSF Health True North priorities both with all-program goals and program-specific goals. The all-program goals are selected each year by UCSF Health and the Office of GME leadership, while residents and fellows are coached and mentored by expert faculty to develop and lead program-specific goals. For more information, go to https://meded.ucsf.edu/residents-clinical-fellows/gme-educational-professional-development-opportunities/residents-fellows-leading-interprofessional-continuous-improvement-teams-reflect
Resident and Fellow's Council: The Resident and Fellow's Council is a group of residents and fellows who seek to contribute to the shaping of policies governing physician and patient life at UCSF as well as to be active in improving the quality and value of their patients and peers. See, how you could get involved?
Family Resources
Discounts: Campus Life Services provides discounts to the UCSF community, including shopping, activities, events, and more.
Family Services: Campus Life Services provides a variety of services for the families of UCSF employees. This includes a child care center, lactation accommodation program, parent education, backup care, child care referral service, and more.
- Childcare and Family Resource: UCSF offers employees, including residents and fellows, limited onsite childcare, backup childcare, access to SItterCity, and other resources. More information is located at Campus Life Services.
Financial Resources
Blumberg Loans: The Blumberg Loan is an interest-free loan that was established through the Office of Graduate Medical Education (OGME) to financially assist UCSF residents and clinical fellows. Residents and clinical fellows may request a loan from a month prior to the start date through five months prior to the end date. The loan may be in the amount of $1,200, or $2,400, or $3,600 and is repaid through payroll deductions. For more information, see Trainee Salaries and Financial Resources.
Flexible Spending Accounts: Residents and fellows may elect to sign-up for dependent care and healthcare flexible spending accounts, which allow the employee to put aside pre-tax dollars to use for eligible healthcare and/or dependent care expenses. For more information, go to https://www.ucresidentbenefits.com/ucsf/flexible-spending-accounts
Financial Literacy: https://finaid.ucsf.edu/financial-literacy
Public Service Loan Forgiveness: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/livingwell/wellbeing/Public-Service-Loan-Forgiveness-Program.html
Health Insurance and other Benefits
Collective Bargaining Agreement: The residents and fellows at UCSF are represented by the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR), SEIU Healthcare. The current collective bargaining agreement between CIR and UCSF may be found at https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/m2/index.html
Disability Management Services: The Disability Management Services team provides resources and information to students, staff, faculty, and trainees to navigate campus facilities and systems to obtain accessibility information and request appropriate campus disability accommodations. For more information, go to https://disability.ucsf.edu
Health and Insurance Coverage: As UCSF residents and fellows you are offered a rich package of coverage, including health (HMO or PPO), mental health, vision, dental, and disability. Please go to https://www.ucresidentbenefits.com/uc-san-francisco for more information.
Primary Care for Residents and Fellows: Residents and fellows should make sure they select a primary care provider. For assistance in selecting a primary care provider, go to the "Primary Care Access" section on http://tiny.ucsf.edu/GMEwellbeing
Retirement Benefits: Residents and fellows automatically contribute on a pre-tax basis to a Defined Contribution Plan for Safe Harbor (in lieu of social security). In addition, residents and fellows may elect to contribute to a 403(b) plan. For more information, go to https://www.ucresidentbenefits.com/ucsf/financial-protection-and-retirement-benefits/retirement-benefits
Salary and Housing Allowance: Annual salary is based on a resident or fellow's year in their program. Residents and fellows are paid, salary and housing allowance, on the first of each month. Post-graduate year (PGY) and salary for each resident and fellow may be found in their individual contract letter issued by their program. The annual salary scale and housing allowance are available at 23-24_GME_SalaryScale.xls - Compatibility Mode_0.pdf
Discounts: Campus Life Services provides discounts to the UCSF community, including shopping, activities, events, and more.
Fitness & Recreation: UCSF offers a wide array of health and wellness programs to UCSF employees, including fitness centers at Mission Bay and Parnassus, outdoor programs, recreational sports, and more. Residents and fellows are eligible to purchase fitness center memberships. For more information visit Campus Life Services.
Housing Resources: Residents and fellows are eligible for UCSF campus housing. Housing Services also provides resources for locating off-campus housing. UCSF Housing Services has created a new brochure, "Exploring Our Housing Communities," available as of January 2024 for download or in print by contacting Brittany Boznanski in the GME office.
Malpractice Coverage: UC is self-insured for professional liability insurance. Residents and fellows are covered for work within the course and scope of their UCSF program. They are not covered for external moonlighting. Proof of insurance, as well as claims history, may be obtained by contacting UCSF Risk Management.
Sustainability: The Office of Sustainability is focused on protecting the health and safety of the UCSF community and those we impact, through addressing carbon neutrality, zero waste, water conservation, sustainable food, toxics reduction, green procurement, green buildings, and shifting culture.
Parking and Transportation
FastPay: FastPay allows you to use your UCSF ID badge to make food purchases at UCSF retailers. Please go to https://nutrition.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/fastpay/ for more information.
Parking at UCSF: Residents and fellows are eligible to purchase HS parking permits for PayByPhone single-day parking permits for parking at various UCSF Campuses. Please go to https://campuslifeservices.ucsf.edu/transportation/services/parking for more information.
Transportation Resources: UCSF Transportation provides services to meet the transportation needs of the UCSF community, including parking, shuttles, a pre-tax commute savings program, alternative transportation options, and bike racks and permits. Please go to https://campuslifeservices.ucsf.edu/transportation/?goto=start for more information.
Taxi Vouchers: To ensure that residents and clinical fellows are able to get home safely after working long hours, both UCSF Medical Center and San Francisco General Hospital offer taxi vouchers. These vouchers can be picked up at each hospital in the event that a trainee is unable to safely drive home. Learn more here.
Housestaff Information Booklet: The Housestaff Information Booklet contains all UCSF GME policies.
Malpractice Coverage: UC is self-insured for professional liability insurance. Residents and fellows are covered for work within the course and scope of their UCSF program. They are not covered for external moonlighting. Proof of insurance, as well as claims history, may be obtained by contacting UCSF Risk Management.
Safety at UCSF
UCSF Police Department: The UCSF Police Department is committed to making UCSF a safe place to live, work, study, and visit.
Teaching Resources
- Medical Student Assessment: Residents and fellows play an integral role in the education and assessment of UCSF medical students. For more information on the medical student assessment program, please review:
Resident Roles in Teaching, Feedback and Evaluation PDF
Resident Roles in Teaching, Feedback and Evaluation Presentation by Dean Hauer
- UCSF Mobile App: The UCSF Mobile App provides real-time information, including shuttle arrivals/departures, parking information, and more.
UCSF Health and Patient Care
Hot Topics for Physicians to Comply with Joint Commission: Please review the following document to become more familiar with important Joint Commission rules and regulations. Physician Hot Topic e-version
Interpreter Services – UCSF Health: UCSF Health requires the use of qualified professional interpreters for patient care. Please review the following document to learn how to access a qualified professional interpreter: Interpreter Services Helpful Hints GME Orientation. Interpreter Services has prepared a tool to identify someone’s preferred language for discussing healthcare, which will aid in determining whether an interpreter is needed. Preferred Language ID Card. Residents and fellows who think they could be certified as bilingual to communicate with patients should review the following document: Bilingual Pocket Card
Radiology Safety at UCSF: UCSF Health has important radiology safety and quality guidelines. Please review the following two documents. Contrast + Safety Update for Trainees
Well-being Resources
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program: The UCSF Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) provides UCSF employees, including residents and fellows, with confidential psychological counseling and consultation services.
Lactation Resources: The UCSF Lactation Accommodation Program is committed to helping lactating members of the UCSF community return to work and continue to provide milk. There, you can find information on how to register for the program, a list of lactation rooms (and how to make reservations for those in which they are needed), and additional resources.
Well-Being and Mental Health Resources: UCSF has many well-being and mental health resources available to residents and fellows. Visit the GME Well-being webpage for more information.
Wellness and Community: Campus Life Services provides services and opportunities to build community and promote wellness, including providing volunteering opportunities, events, a wellness resources hub, discounts, and more.