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Teaching Scholars Program Graduation 2023: Building Our Scholarly Community

 |  By Karen Brent
Group of people standing together outside.
Teaching Scholars Program 2023 Graduates

Group of people standing together outside.

On September 5, the UCSF education community is invited to the final presentations of the graduating 2023 Teaching Scholars, who will present their scholarly work in education in a mini-orals format. The graduates' presentations highlight unique and key educational research and showcases projects across all UCSF schools.

The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning environments with their new knowledge and have helped the incoming class of new scholars recognize that they are linked to a long UCSF tradition of valuing the role of educators and education scholarship to enhance learning.

Congratulations to the TSP Graduating Class:

The TSP would not be possible without faculty support:

Presentations will be held on Tuesday, September 5, 2-5pm, Please check the presentation schedule for more information: https://wiki.library.ucsf.edu/x/p9u-Iw or contact Victoria Ruddick, victoria.ruddick@ucsf.edu.