How the CFE Works Together: The Story of the Teaching for Equity and Inclusion Certificate

Faculty Attend the DEI Champion Training
After the School of Medicine launched “Differences Matter,” many faculty members recognized the need to expand upon Champion Training to equip our faculty to bring equity and inclusion into medical education. Kate Lupton, MD, took on this challenge in 2018. Dr. Lupton is a graduate of the Teaching Scholars Program and a member of the Academy of Medical Educators, both programs within the Center for Faculty Educators (CFE). To meet the need, Dr. Lupton put together a team to design a new track in the Teach for UCSF Certificate Program. Recognizing the demand for dedicated time to develop the certificate and associated workshops, she applied for funding from the Innovations Funding Program from the Academy of Medical Educators. Through diligent work with several faculty developer teams, Dr. Lupton launched the Teaching for Equity and Inclusion (TEI) certificate with 206 enrollees. Following DEI Champion Training, participants complete seven required workshops and one elective workshop. To support Kate’s stewardship of the certificate’s curriculum, the fantastic staff in the CFE, Victoria Ruddick, Faculty Development Manager, and Maria Pappas, Faculty Development Coordinator, manage program participation and workshops administratively.
To reflect, this is an example of how elements of the CFE work together to produce the special programs that make us proud. From Dr. Lupton’s preparation as an educator to the funding for educational innovation to support certificate development and administration, multiple people and programs in CFE build on each other’s efforts to contribute to UCSF’s deep commitment to education.
To read about program eligibility, expectations, and policies, see:
For requirements, upcoming workshops, and a list of faculty developers, see: