Physician Identity (PI) Weeks

Physician identity weeks logoSince its inception, the Bridges Curriculum has included eight weeks reserved for activities to promote reflection and professional growth, previously known as ARCH Weeks. Based on student feedback and an evolving understanding of student needs, this curricular element has been redesigned and renamed Physician Identity Weeks. Students entering in Fall 2022 were the first class to participate in Physician Identity Weeks (PI Weeks).

Physician Identity Weeks are focused on developing each medical student’s identity as a physician. Physician Identity Weeks take place between blocks within the F1, F2, and Career Launch Courses. Each week will include activities designed to help students consolidate and build upon learning during intervening portions of the curriculum. The weeks provide space for reflection and professional growth, opportunities to work with peers, coaches, and other facilitators, and time to pursue activities related to career exploration as well as para-curricular activities of interest.

The Physician Identity Weeks focus on the following five key themes and roles relevant to physician identity creation:

  • Learning skills / Physician as Lifelong Learner
  • Professional identity formation / Physician as Professional
  • Relationship building / Physician as Collaborator
  • Community-engaged learning and advocacy / Physician as Advocate
  • Career discovery and development / Physician as Career Explorer

Learning Objectives

  • Reflect on Physician Identity Week themes as they relate to developing one’s professional identity as a future physician.
  • Reflect on learning approaches and strategies and apply this knowledge in developing learning goals and methods.
  • Reflect on professional identify formation and share ideas with peers.
  • Acquire and apply strategies to develop, grow, and manage effective professional relationships.
  • Identify and implement strategies to promote individualized career discovery and development.
  • Describe and demonstrate team learning and communication skills to improve collaboration and team performance.
  • Apply strategies for seeking, receiving, acting upon, and delivering feedback.
  • Learn how students and physicians serve as advocates and identify areas of interest for current or future advocacy activities.

Physician Identity Weeks Leadership Team

Noriko Anderson, MD, PI Weeks Co-Director
Margaret Lin-Martore, MD, PI Weeks Co-Director
Manaswini Avvari, MPH, PI Weeks Coordinator