Emergency Contact Information

Concerned about a student’s welfare? Call (415) 476-HEAL and and police services will make a welfare visit.

SOM 24-Hour Urgent Line (415) 476-1216, option 1

Needlestick Hotline (415) 353-STIC (7842)
Report needlesticks, blood borne pathogen-related lacerations and splashes, and other exposures.

Student Health & Counseling (415) 476-1281
Health care and counseling available to all UCSF students.

Medical Student Well-Being (415) 476-0468
Free, confidential counseling and psychotherapy for UCSF medical students.

Mental Health Crisis Line (415) 476-1281, option 2
For urgent after-hours mental health issues.

Student Disability Services (415) 476-6595
Register and arrange for accommodations to ensure an accessible educational experience.

Registrar (415) 476-8280

Financial Aid (415) 476-4181

Learning Resource Services (415) 502-1484

SAFE logo

All learners and members of our community have the right to function in a respectful educational environment conducive to learning and considerate of diversity in opinion, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability and socioeconomic status. To confidentially report mistreatment and/or work hours violations, use the SAFE (Supporting A Fair and Equitable Environment) form. ​​​

Contact the Deans at MedEdDeans@ucsf.edu or individually at: 

Erick Hung, MD, Assoc. Dean for Students, erick.hung@ucsf.edu (415) 476-7721

John Davis, PhD, MD, Assoc. Dean for Curriculum, john.davis2@ucsf.edu (415) 502-0157

Karen Hauer, MD, PhD, Vice Dean for Education, karen.hauer@ucsf.edu (415) 502-5475

Medical Student Center medicalstudentcenter@ucsf.edu (415) 476-1216

DoQuyen Tran-Taylor, Director of the Student Experience Team, doquyen.tran-taylor@ucsf.edu (415) 476-8081

Amanda Dohse, Foundations 1 Interim Advisor, amanda.dohse@ucsf.edu (360) 519-9711

Nikki Williams, Foundations 2 Advisor, nikki.williams@ucsf.edu (415) 476-2348

Wenia Lee, Career Launch Advisor, wenia.lee@ucsf.edu (628) 206-4627