Getting Involved

Addressing and dismantling structural racism and oppression within the UCSF Bridges Curriculum requires a collaborative and sustained effort from staff, students, faculty, and community partnerships. Regular reflection and candor, open communication, and a growth mindset are essential to creating lasting change within the School of Medicine.  

If you are interested in participating in the AOC Initiative, please share your experience, expertise, voice, and input at 

See below for other ways to get involved.

Faculty and Staff

Explore opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, students, and community partners to identify and dismantle structural racism and oppression.

Some potential starting points include: 

  • Build, expand, and share your anti-oppression (AO) network  

  • Create brave and collaborative spaces for dialogue 

  • Join AO committees, task forces, workstreams or action groups on a project-by-project basis 

  • Attend classes or workshops to further your AO education  

  • Review work practices and identify AO goals with your team, change systems and structures 

  • Acknowledge and uplift colleagues who embody AO principles or engage in AO work 

  • Ensure that AO work is elevated and highlighted on leadership agendas, communications, and staff meetings 

  • Share feedback about AO with colleagues both in and outside of your AO networks  

  • Work to incorporate and uplift diverse community perspectives, voices, and experiences that reflect a broad range of cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds in your educational efforts 

Students, Faculty, and Staff

AOCI Workstreams

The Student Support, Assessment, Technology, Evaluation, and Faculty Development workstreams welcome staff, faculty, and student volunteers on a project-by-project basis. For more information on any of the workstreams or to express interest in collaborating, please contact the AOC Initiative team.


AOC Initiative Student-Collaborative 

The student members of the AOCI-Student Collaborative share recommendations and new ideas for the AOCI and provide feedback on both high-level strategy and detailed aspects of the workstreams. The AOCI-Student Collaborative also works closely with the Curriculum Governance team. Learn more about Curriculum Governance. The group meets twice monthly in the evening, usually over Zoom. 

Review the AOCI Team Structure webpage for more information on the AOCI-Student Collaborative The AOCI-Student Collaborative recruits in late-fall for new student members, but we also welcome new members on a rolling basis as well. To express interest in joining, please contact the AOC Initiative team at

Curriculum Ambassador Program

The Summer Curriculum Ambassador Program provides a funded fellowship opportunity for students during the summer between MS1 and MS2 to partner with faculty members to work on specific projects related to the AOC Initiative. 

AOC Initiative Yearlong Fellowship

The Yearlong AOCI Fellowship role is ideal for students who are deeply engaged in advancing medical education and institutional change towards anti-oppression. Fellows play pivotal roles on the AOCI team, including planning and facilitating students collaborative meetings, facilitating students collaborative meetings, providing peer mentorship to students working on linked projects, conducting research to help us to advance our efforts, and refining recommendations for key AOCI task forces. AOCI Student Fellows actively engage with faculty and student groups, conveying feedback and shaping a more inclusive and welcoming curriculum and helping us move closer to our goal of advancing health equity through medical education. 

In 2021-2022, medical student Jazzmin Williams joined the AOC Initiative as the first year-long fellow, working on a wide range of projects including a patient narrative project, the AOCI-Student Collaborative, and the race and ethnicity task force, among others.

In summer 2023, medical students Alli Gomez and Jessica Ma joined the AOC Initiative as our team's year-long fellows. Together, Alli and Jessica are working on a wide range of projects including a patient narrative project, the AOCI Student Collaborative, and the race and ethnicity task force, among others. Together, Alli and Jessica are working on numerous curricular projects, a few highlights include:

  • Review and Expansion of Sex/Gender/Sexuality and Race/Ethnicity Task Force draft recommendations
  • Evaluation of AOCI's curricular review tools and processes
  • Ongoing consultations for the Center for Faculty Educators (CFE) in the development of anti-oppression/anti-racist skill building faculty development videos and modules
  • Facilitating the AOCI-Student Collaborative

Individually, Jessica is working on curriculum development focused on patient rights and safety in the context of medical-legal concerns, and Alli is working on investigating differentiated learning approaches for anti-oppression education, as well as developing resources to reduce microaggressions and misgendering for trans and nonbinary students and patients.

In summer 2024, Jessa Culver joined the AOC Initiative. Jessa's focus is on fostering collaborations with community members to integrate community voices into medical education. As part of Jessa's fellowship, Jessa will lead the AOCI-Student Collaborative, mentor fellow students, contribute to curricular adaptation and innovations, contribute to AOCI Task Forces and working groups, and engage in scholarly projects to advance anti-oppression in medical education.

To learn more about the AOC Initiative Yearlong Fellowship, please contact the AOC Initiative team.

Additional Opportunities

For additional opportunities to get involved, students can also connect with UCSF student organizations.