Phase 1
Launched in 2021, the first three-year phase of the Anti-Oppression Curriculum Initiative (AOCI) leveraged internal and external expertise representing a range of perspectives to review and begin to adapt the Bridges Curriculum using an anti-racist, anti-oppressive lens. With the help of faculty, students, staff, and community members, content and methods that reinforce oppressive beliefs, values, and approaches were identified and iteratively revised in partnership with educational leaders to incorporate anti-oppressive content and approaches, with the goal of integrating this lens across all four years of the Bridges Curriculum.
As the AOCI moves into its next phase, we have taken time to reflect, recognize accomplishments, and identify continuing needs to advance anti-oppression and equity in medical education. View the Impact Snapshot to find an overview of the work accomplished in the first phase of the AOCI.
AOCI Alumni
The following team members were foundational to Phase 1.0 of the AOCI.
2021-2022 Adviser

In her role as 2021-2022 UCSF Presidential Chair Award Recipient, Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, provided consultation to the AOCI team and helped to set the initial vision and objectives for the Initiative. Dr. Jones is a family physician and epidemiologist whose work focuses on naming, measuring, and addressing the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of the nation and the world.
AOCI Core Team Members

In her role as Associate Director of Student Support for the AOCI, Denise Davis, MD, FACH, Professor of Clinical Medicine, collaborated with the Associate Dean for Students and other members of the Student Experience Team to align student support with the efforts of the AOCI during Phase 1.0.

In her role as Associate Director of Faculty Development for the AOCI, Michelle Guy, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine and Director of Diversity for Graduate Medical Education, collaborated with the School of Medicine Associate Dean for Curriculum and the Center for Faculty Educators team to implement enhancements to faculty development as part of Phase 1.0 of the AOCI.

In her role as Associate Director of Integration for the AOCI, Aimee Medeiros, PhD, Associate Professor, History of Health Sciences, partnered with the Mapping and Integration Curriculum Governance Committee as part of Phase 1.0 of the AOCI.
AOCI Curriculum Component Liaisons

Rosny Daniel, MD, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, UCSF-ZSFG

Kelly Knight, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair, Humanities and Social Sciences

Peter Ureste, MD, MACM, Residency Training Director, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor, University of California, Riverside School of Medicine