When should we expect to hear about whether interviews will be in person or virtual?
When should we expect to hear about whether interviews will be in person or virtual?
Taking NBME Step 2CK First
Q: Since the NBME allows for the taking of Step 2 CK before Step 1, and it has been advocated for those of us applying into competitive specialties to take Step 2 CK early, do you recommend to take Step 2 CK before Step 1?
Other Schools Pass 1 schedule Implications
Q: Won’t the vast majority of students applying at the same time as us from all other schools definitely have scores? So the unscored will be the minority?
Taking Step 1 Before Pass/Fail Goes into Effect
For specialties that historically weigh STEP 1 heavily, what is your opinion of taking it early for a score at the end of Jan, before the P/F goes into effect?
Step 1 score reporting
How will Step 1 scores be reported on residency applications for people taking time off and applying with a cohort that took Step 1 when it was pass/fail?
Step 2 CK Timing if year off
Does the Nov 30 deadline for taking Step 2 CK still apply for students taking a year off?
Step 2 CS requirement for Class of 2022 students?
Will Step 2 CS be required for Class of 2022 students?
Reduced clinical time effect on Step 2
Given students’ reduced clinical time this year due to COVID, are you worried about how we will perform on Step 2?
Step 2 Timing
How and when do we apply for Step 2CK?
Step 1 Performance
What do we do if we don’t do as well as we had hoped on Step 1?