practice Step 1 Exam
Will the school pay for a practice Step 1 Exam again for us?
Step 1 in Different City
Are we allowed to take the Step 1 exam in a different city, outside of SF?
Documentation of Step 1 Resources and Timeline
Could you provide us with a document with a detailed timeline and resources?
Delaying Step 1
Can we take the Step 1 pass-fail exam next year without taking a year off?
medical knowledge exams
What can you share about medical knowledge exams?
Step 2
With Step 2 becoming more important in residency apps, will we have a dedicated study block for it?
Can you take the NBME self assessment earlier
Can you take the NBME self assessment earlier if you would like?
NBME self assessment
Will our Performance on the NBME self assessment impact our clerkship grade?
Timing: Step 1, Step 2, Gap year
If you are going on a gap year, can you take Step 2CK now, and take Step 1 next year when it is pass/fail?
Will the lack of standard shelf exams impact our residency application?
Will the lack of standard shelf exams impact our residency application?