Taking Step 1 Before Pass/Fail Goes into Effect

For specialties that historically weigh STEP 1 heavily, what is your opinion of taking it early for a score at the end of Jan, before the P/F goes into effect?


We recommend that students do what they would normally have done and not make adjustments to their usual progression through the curriculum or licensing exams. Attempts to second guess how residency programs value an exam score could be wrong and lead one to take an unhelpful and potentially detrimental approach to preparing for these exams. We would not recommend trying to take Step 1 before Jan 26 because you would be shortening your study time by multiple weeks. We also would not favor cutting into your F2 clerkship time to study for Step 1. All residency programs will need to have plans in place for Step 1 moving to Pass/Fail.  Do what feels right for you. Keep in mind that a Pass score on a Pass/Fail Step exam is better than a low score on Step 1. Residency program directors will evaluate the scores based on the context of whether the Step 1 exam was scored or P/F. We do not think there is an advantage to taking Step 1 early. 

Updated Date
April 29, 2021