Losing vacation
Will I lose my vacation?
Postponing Step1 if taking gap year
For F2 students planning to take a year off do you advise postponing Step 1 or Step 2 CK? How important is Step 1 for our residency application?
Block 2 objectives
If students have completed Block 2 objectives can we use those for career exploration or vacation?
Accommodations site placements
Who should we talk to about accommodations at site placements?
Telehealth requirements
Will students who have taken part in telehealth with Family Medicine have the same requirements when the clerkships start?
Order of blocks
Will there be an opportunity to switch order of blocks for thematic clinical blocks?
Clerkship Block 2
Can we get confirmation that we’ve completed clerkship block 2s?
TCB scheduling
How will the scheduling process work for thematic clinical blocks?
If F2 requirements get pushed into Career Launch will P/F grading continue? How will abbreviated clinical experiences be evaluated during the Career Launch phase?
If F2 requirements get pushed into Career Launch will P/F grading continue? How will abbreviated clinical experiences be evaluated during the Career Launch phase?
Gap year
What recommendations do you have if students are interested in taking time off for research or doing a year-long masters program?