FCM Requirements
What can you share about updates to the Family and Community Medicine requirements? Some students are doing telehealth visits and others are doing in-person visits.
Delaying graduation
What advice can you share for students who may be interested in delaying graduation?
Tutoring and Support
For students who need additional support related to medical knowledge or clinical exam history taking skills, how might they access that support?
Virtual summary comments for MSPE
May we opt out of having virtual/remote elective summary comments be included in the MSPE?
If I am engaged in virtual clinical experience and I live in a small or crowded apartment, how do I maintain HIPAA?
If I am engaged in virtual clinical experience and I live in a small or crowded apartment, how do I maintain HIPAA?
How will a movement toward more virtual clinical experience impact grading?
Tests for Clinical Placement
Who does a student contact at Student Health to schedule a test that is required for a clinical placement?
Off-site rotations + COVID screening
If you have off-site rotations, and you answer yes to the UCSF screening tool, what happens?
Have the deans advocated for an opt-in P/F option for Step 1?
Have the deans advocated for an opt-in P/F option for Step 1?