If F2 requirements get pushed into Career Launch will P/F grading continue? How will abbreviated clinical experiences be evaluated during the Career Launch phase?

If F2 requirements get pushed into Career Launch will P/F grading continue? How will abbreviated clinical experiences be evaluated during the Career Launch phase? 


There is not a plan to move to P/F grading in Career Launch. Some people think we should follow F2 and move to P/F, but others think grades are needed for residency selection. We’ll work with Career Launch directors to ensure that they know about the abbreviated experience during F2. If students want to do some P/F clerkships early in their fourth year, they can do those first in preparation for a graded clerkship rotation later in the year. Students can also work with third-year clerkship directors and their coaches to assess readiness for the next rotation. 

Updated Date
July 13, 2020