Teaching Scholars Program Graduates 2018: Building Our Scholarly Community

Teaching Scholars Program 2018 Class

On September 11, the UCSF education community celebrated the graduating 2018 Teaching Scholars, who presented their scholarly work in education in a mini-orals format. The graduates' presentations highlight unique and key educational research and showcases projects across all UCSF schools.
The Teaching Scholars Program (TSP) is a yearlong program in health professions education and education scholarship. It is accessible to faculty from all UCSF professional schools through a competitive application process. The graduates go on to enrich their learning environments with their new knowledge and have helped the incoming class of new scholars recognize that they are linked to a long UCSF tradition of valuing the role of educators and education scholarship to enhance learning.
Class of 2018 Scholarly Projects
- Loren Alving, MD, UCSF Fresno - Foundational Science in the Clinical Setting
- Jennifer Babik, MD, PhD, Medicine, Infectious Diseases - Rheum to Learn: What rheumatology topics should internal medicine residents know?
- Heather Briscoe, MD, Pediatrics - Revisiting the Art of Newborn Intubation: A needs assessment to inform curriculum development
- Mohammed Elhassan, MD, UCSF Fresno - A Focus on POCUS (point-of-care ultrasound): Preparing Next Generation Internists for Next Generation Equipment
- Sarah Goglin, MD, Medicine, Rheumatology - Rheum to Learn: What rheumatology topics should internal medicine residents know?
- Duncan Henry, MD, Pediatrics - Program Evaluation of EPA-based Assessment System for Pediatric Residents
- Kate Lupton, MD, Medicine, General Internal Medicine - Development of Graduating Ambulatory Milestones for Medical Students
- Annette Molinaro, PhD, Neurological Surgery - Neurosurgery Resident Training Supplement
- Jillian Mongelluzzo, MD, Emergency Medicine, ZSFG - Examining the Intersection of Gender and Feedback
- Ivance Pugoy, MD, UCSF Fresno - Implementing an Integrated Curriculum for Faculty and Residents at UCSF Fresno
- Sarah Stender, MD, UCSF Fresno - The Healer`s Art: "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity."--Hippocrates
- Sarah Summerville, MD, Medicine, General Internal Medicine - Resident Engagement and Participation in LEAN
- Jessica Tashjian, MD, Anesthesia - Basic Perioperative TEE Certification: How do graduating anesthesiology residents perceive its value?
- Stefanie Ueda, MD, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences - Enhancing Care in Gynecological Oncology in Uganda
- Derek Ward, MD, Orthopaedic Surgery - Integration of Personal Finance into Medical Education
Here are a few voices from our educational community:

It all started in the Salt Lake City Airport in March 2017...a chance meeting between Drs. Renee Kinman, Serena Yang, and myself that led to a deep discussion about our shared passion for teaching and opened my eyes to the possibility of and the benefits to participation in the Teaching Scholars Program (TSP). I have always loved to teach and, as Pat would say, thought I knew what I was doing. Now, of course, I know differently. I not only know how much I do not know (learning theories, anyone?) but have a much deeper appreciation of all aspects of medical education.
The deep dive provided by TSP has been extremely helpful to me in my position working with third year medical students who come to Fresno, particularly now with the added responsibilities of integrating the SJV PRIME students into UCSF. It provided the basic knowledge and shared language to facilitate my interactions with other educators as well as my participation on committees. It has also allowed me to make intentional choices about structuring my clinical teaching, curriculum development and assessment, and becoming a better, wiser mentor to our Fresno faculty.
The AME application process and TSP were symbiotic in helping me to understand what I am doing in a broader context. I am excited about the future of UME at UCSF-Fresno, in particular the SJV PRIME program.
TSP and the AME community provide critical building blocks and support for this work.
I do know that I will be forever grateful for that fateful meeting last March...
Loren Alving, MD
Department of Neurology, UCSF Fresno
I was in a residency program leadership meeting today discussing challenges in resident assessment. One of my fellow TSP classmates was in the meeting, and in the discussion she cited the research (and TSP project) of one of our other TSP classmates from a different department. It was a moment that illustrates the beauty of TSP. Not only did TSP give me the opportunity to learn fundamental skills in medical education - skills in curriculum development, programmatic evaluation, and educational scholarship - but it also connected me to a network of other incredible educators with various interests throughout UCSF and UCSF Fresno. This is even further illustrated by the fact that several of my fellow TSP classmates now help teach medicine residents in various subspecialty clinics that I help coordinate!
Before TSP, I used what I had learned and absorbed about change management to help move educational projects forward. Now, I am able to view and develop curricular innovations through a formal educational lens. When I start a project, I make sure to take the formal steps in curriculum development and have an eye towards educational scholarship from the beginning. I feel more comfortable in moving my own projects forward and have also been able to start mentoring several trainees on various projects.
TSP has given me an invaluable toolbox of skills in educational leadership, curriculum development, and educational scholarship. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have spent a year with my wonderful TSP classmates (TSP-ers!) and the incredible education faculty. In particular, it was a joy and an absolute privilege to get to work so closely with Bridget O'Brien, PhD (my TSP project mentor), Dave Irby, PhD, and Pat O'Sullivan, EdD.
Jennifer Babik, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine, UCSF