Pinelopi Xenoudi & Andrea Marmor Receive the 2019 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award

Teacher and Student Interaction

Academy members, Andrea Marmor, MD, MSEd (AME Class of 2014) and Pinelopi Xenoudi, DDS, MS (AME Class of 2017 and TSP Class 2014-2015) are recipients of the 2019 Distinction in Teaching Award, by UCSF's Academic Senate.
Recipients of the Academic Senate Distinction In Teaching Awards and the Distinction In Mentoring Awards will be honored at the Senate’s Distinguished Faculty Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 16 at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty-Alumni House on the Parnassus campus.
To select each year’s Distinction in Teaching Award the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel designates a selection committee comprised of faculty and student representatives from all four schools. Student representatives are assigned by Associate Deans from each of the respective Schools.
For 2019, the Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF five years or fewer goes to Pinelopi Xenoudi, DDS, MS, Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor, Division of Periodontology, Department of Orofacial Sciences, School of Dentistry (SOD) and the Director, UCSF Postgraduate Residency Program in Periodontology. Dr. Xenoudi is based at Parnassus campus.
The 2019 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF more than five years goes to Andrea K. Marmor, MD, MSEd, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, SOM, and Medical Director for the ZSFG Asthma/Allergy Clinic. Dr. Marmor is based at ZSFG. Read more about other Distinguished Faculty Awardees