Academy of Medical Educators Welcomes New Class of 2024 and Honors Front-line Educators and Staff
The Haile T. Debas Academy of New Members' Annual Celebration of New Members honored the incoming Academy Class. It recognized the contributions of health professions education staff and "front-line" teachers, educators, and mentors who impact our learners and faculty peers regularly to make UCSF such an outstanding healthcare institution. This UCSF Community event was hosted Wednesday, September 11 online and at Byers Auditorium at the Mission Bay Campus.
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD, MS Honored with the Distinguished Master Educator Award from the Association for Surgical Education
Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD, MS, Professor, UCSF Departments of Medicine and Surgery, has received the annual Distinguished Master Educator Award from the Association for Surgical Education. Dr.
Stephanie Rennke, MD Receives the Osler Distinguished Teaching Award
The graduating medical school class awarded the 2020 Excellence in Teaching Awards on May 13, 2020. These awards recognize instructors who exhibit a dedication to UCSF PRIDE Values and elevate patient care through excellence in teaching, mentoring, and supporting students.
Osler Distinguished Teaching Award
Teaching Awards Celebrate Faculty for Advancing Medical Education at UCSF
Our faculty shape and teach the next generation of compassionate physicians at UCSF.
Catherine Lucey, MD
Executive Vice Dean, Vice Dean for Education, and Professor of Medicine
Vanja Douglas, MD Receives the A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award from the AAN
Academy Member Vanja Douglas, MD is a recipient of the A.B. Baker Teacher Recognition Award for 2019 from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Dr.