Peter Chin-Hong, MD Named Associate Dean for Regional Campuses

Peter Chin-Hong, MD
Peter Chin-Hong, MD will begin as associate dean for regional campuses (UME) at the UCSF School of Medicine, effective July 1, 2020.
In this new role, Dr. Chin-Hong will work with the leaders at each regional campus to ensure that the admissions, student experience, curricular integrity, and quality are comparable to those provided at the UCSF main campus. Dr. Chin-Hong will work collaboratively with leaders to ensure timely identification and communication of issues and implement curricular enhancements and innovations. The UCSF undergraduate medical education program has two regional campuses, one at the University of California Berkeley, which is home to the UCSF-UC Berkeley Joint Medical Program, and UCSF Fresno, which is home to the UCSF-San Joaquin Valley PRIME program. Dr. Chin-Hong is an infectious disease physician. He brings more than 17 years of experience as a dedicated UCSF medical education leader to this new role. Dr. Chin-Hong helped design three undergraduate pipeline programs, served as an Inquiry Advisor since 2013, and has been the Director of the Pathogens and Host Defense foundational science block since 2010.