Highlights from UCSF's 2019 Education Showcase

From Right: Denise Connor, MD and Loren Alving, MD. All Photos by Elisabeth Fall
As our Academy of Medical Educators grows and UCSF’s education community finds their responsibilities and time commitments expanding, the Center for Faculty Educators’ annual UCSF Education Showcase continues to provide opportunities for interactions around current educational scholarship, interprofessional development in education, mentoring in education, and educational networking opportunities. The Showcase’s impact on promoting educational scholarship, research, and community sends a strong message about the important work being done by UCSF’s Educators and Education Scientists through their collaborations with UCSF students, residents, fellows, and non-UCSF colleagues in the US and abroad. Every year participants share how amazing it is to see the collaborative work between students, faculty, and staff.
There were many great presentations and collaborations, so it’s hard to narrow down to a few examples, but these takeaways were among the many that touched upon the current issues addressed through our education and healthcare mission at UCSF. The Education Showcase provided attendees a great opportunity to provide feedback to works in progress, discuss their current projects or work, and meet with CFE faculty on education or educational scholarship topics of interest.
The annual gathering of UCSF’s education community annually is a time to learn from each other, reconnect with fellow educators at UCSF, and showcase our mentors’ or mentees’ research. Attendees highlighted how they “appreciate the opportunity to showcase their work and their mentees' work,” and that “It was wonderful to see what people here at UCSF are interested in and currently researching.” The Education Showcase is the one time each year at UCSF that we take time to highlight this work, and every time it feels as if the showcase ends too soon. These two days provide such a recharge to the education community and underscores the growing need for mentorship, congeniality, and interprofessional respect that is necessary to improve the learner and patient experience at UCSF.
Major themes discussed at this year’s showcase included: wellbeing in graduate medical education, structural racism and health disparities, student mistreatment, enhancing the undergraduate pipeline for education, and the role of sustainability and climate justice in healthcare education. The showcase also focused on clinical education and research with topics around developing tools for improving clinical reasoning teaching, web-based point of care curriculum, improving the learning in the clinical environment, and enhancing learning experiences in surgical training.
UCSF Presidential Chair Cees van der Vleuten, PhD, who delivered Med Ed Grand Rounds on Programmatic Assessment this past February, returned to deliver the keynote lecture on assessment (online recording available in case you missed it, advance to 2:16 mark). Dr. van der Vleuten provided another opportunity to share specific examples on programmatic assessment and what UCSF educators are doing about assessment with a panel session featuring faculty from UCSF’s task force on programmatic assessment, which discussed their report. Faculty panelists listened to feedback and processes to synthesized into their work and shared their experiences with many educators just starting to learn about programmatic assessment for their programs. One attendee noted, “The discussion of the task force report was very useful - I'm not in medicine, but it gave me lots of ideas for the pharmacy curriculum.” Another noted, how “Cees speaking over two different days was great so we could learn a lot from him. This helped drive home the assessment theme.”
Although we connect with our educator colleagues all year round in a variety of settings, it is important to attend and support UCSF’s Education Showcase and show up for the work and dedication of UCSF’s current and future educators and educational scientists.
More about the Education Showcase
What Attendees Are Saying...
“The chance to hear about the variety of educational scholarship occurring at UCSF."
"Networking with other medical educators.”
“Meeting other researchers and learning about research currently being conducted as opposed to finalized results.”
“The educational content of all sessions I was able to attend was excellent!”
“The discussion of the task force report was very useful - I'm not in medicine, but it gave me lots of ideas for the pharmacy curriculum.”
“Cees speaking over two different days was great so we could learn a lot from him. This helped drive home the assessment theme.”