Faculty Development Expansion and Leadership Updates Effective March 1

Women standing outside in blue shirt.
Sandrijn van Schaik, MD, PhD, Named Director of Faculty Development for the Center for Faculty Educators
We are pleased to announce that we are expanding our leadership team as our Faculty Development and Education Research missions grow to address today’s clinical learning environment.
Effective March 1, 2023, Sandrijn van Schaik, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and the Baum Family Presidential Chair for Experiential Learning, is stepping into the newly created role of Director of Faculty Development for the UCSF School of Medicine’s Center for Faculty Educators.
Patricia O’Sullivan, EdD, Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Endowed Chair of Surgical Education, Director of Research in Medical Education, will lead medical education’s scholarly research and advanced degree programs.
As Director of Faculty Development for the UCSF School of Medicine's Center for Faculty Educators, Sandrijn will lead a comprehensive faculty development program providing physician educators with the competencies and skills needed to teach the next generation across the Undergraduate to Graduate Medical Education continuum. A key component of this new role is ensuring that all faculty development offerings are designed with anti-oppressive approaches to teaching and assessment. She will be supported by the outstanding CFE staff team that facilitates current faculty development efforts and looks forward to supporting this work.
Sandrijn will draw on experience from her roles as Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Pediatrics and Education Director of the Kanbar Center for Simulation and Clinical Training. Since 2019, Sandrijn has served as the Center for Faculty Educators Director for Learning and Caring Environment (LACE) Faculty Development, where she has worked with the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators, education research, and faculty development programs to enhance the clinical learning environment and support clinical faculty to co-create learning environments that optimize learning and well-being for all. Sandrijn will bring her passion for designing new approaches to faculty development and supporting equitable and inclusive learning environments to her new role.
Pat will continue her outstanding work as the Director of Medical Education Research and will continue to lead medical education’s scholarly research program and oversee medical education’s advanced degree programs. In addition, she will continue to co-direct the Teaching Scholars Program with Bridget O’Brien, PhD.
Over the past 18 years, Pat has built UCSF’s robust faculty development program for health professions educators. Her leadership was integral to the School of Medicine receiving the international 2016 AMEE ASPIRE Award for Excellence in Faculty Development.
Please join me in thanking Pat for laying the foundation of UCSF's renowned medical education research and faculty development program and welcoming Sandrijn to her new leadership role.
With both Sandrijn and Pat’s leadership, we are certain our faculty development and medical education research programs will expand to continue our traditions of excellence.