Academy Member Kimberly Topp Receives New UCSF Alumni Award

Dr. Kimberly Topp, right, chair of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, works with first-year doctor of physical therapy student Mara Mukai in the Clinical Skills Center (CSC) on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2015, in San Francisco. Photo by Noah Berger.
Kimberly Topp, PhD, PT, Class of 1994, is one of the Alumni Association of UCSF's 12 winners of the inaugural UCSF Campaign Alumni Awards to highlight the remarkable work of some of UCSF’s most illustrious alumni.
Dr. Topp, a professor of Anatomy and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, has devoted her career to educating and training future health care professionals and scientists. In addition to teaching countless students over the last 25 years, she has served as research adviser to more than 75 physical therapy students, mentored junior faculty and early career scientists, and advocated tirelessly for equity, diversity and inclusion.
Dr. Topp is a fellow and the immediate past president of the American Association of Anatomists and in July, retires as the chair of the UCSF Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science. Dr. Topp has been a member of the Academy of Medical Educators since 2004.
For more information about the new award, read the article: Exceptional Alumni Honored with New Award Inspired by UCSF: The Campaign