How can we be sure a grade from an October rotation (for our desired specialty) is included in our transcript or MSPE?
How can we be sure a grade from an October rotation (for our desired specialty) is included in our transcript or MSPE?
Will Match Day and Coda 2021 be virtual?
What is the likelihood that Match Day and CODA 2021 will be virtual?
When should students be concerned that they are not getting enough interviews?
When should students be concerned that they are not getting enough interviews? How do we gauge how many interviews we should be getting?
How do students decide how many programs to reach out to?
How do students decide how many programs to reach out to?
Letting programs know about hometown connection
If a program is in your hometown and you mention that in your personal statement, do you need to send a separate email to tell them that too?
When is the best time to do outreach to programs to express interest in the program?
When is the best time to do outreach to programs to express interest in the program?
Clerkship Evluations
I am concerned that the evaluations in TCBs have been superficial and not really representative (we get so little continuity, etc). How will these evaluations be weighed going forward when we're applying for residencies etc?
F1 Career Advising and Specialty Advising
Since clinical exposure is largely limited for F1s, I was a bit concerned about figuring out what specialty to choose. What ways can we be thinking about and exploring the field of medicine during this interesting time? Is there a chance that we could have access to speakers to share about their experience in the field?
How can we get this same type of career exploration and exposure with limited clinical opportunities?
How can we get this same type of career exploration and exposure with limited clinical opportunities?
Cap on residency applications per student
What is the cap on the number of residency applications per student?