Can you return from a Leave of Absence part-way through a quarter rather than at the beginning of the Quarter?
Can you return from a Leave of Absence part-way through a quarter rather than at the beginning of the Quarter?
Are there any particular services not covered when you are on a leave of absence?
Are there any particular services not covered when you are on a leave of absence?
For students taking a gap year (either at UCSF or at another institution) what happens to our UCSF e-mail address? Will it stay active? If not, how will we receive information about ranking our scheduling preferences, etc in December?
For students taking a gap year (either at UCSF or at another institution) what happens to our UCSF e-mail address? Will it stay active? If not, how will we receive information about ranking our scheduling preferences, etc in December?
Is it ok for us to satisfy SPAN requirements during a leave of absence (LOA) if it works out with our preceptor's schedule?
Is it ok for us to satisfy SPAN requirements during a leave of absence (LOA) if it works out with our preceptor's schedule?
How should you handle the residency application process after Graduating?
How should you handle the residency application process after graduating?
Does it hurt us to take a leave of absence for a quarter? Is this going to be looked at negatively due to our shortened clinical experience?
Does it hurt us to take a leave of absence for a quarter? Is this going to be looked at negatively due to our shortened clinical experience?
How will our COVID experience be factored into the MSPE? Is it generally understood that there was less opportunity to form longitudinal contacts with faculty due to reduced rotation time?
How will our COVID experience be factored into the MSPE? Is it generally understood that there was less opportunity to form longitudinal contacts with faculty due to reduced rotation time?
Does the MSPE team make any changes to improve upon grammar, organization and writing of summary comments? I understand content changes cannot be made.
Does the MSPE team make any changes to improve upon grammar, organization and writing of summary comments? I understand content changes cannot be made.
What does an “average” MSPE look like? Do the example MSPEs on the website represent the average?
What does an “average” MSPE look like? Do the example MSPEs on the website represent the average?
SOAP per year
How many people have to SOAP per year and how many people don’t match? How does UCSF support the students who must undergo the SOAP process and/or who don’t match?