Are there any particular services not covered when you are on a leave of absence?
Are there any particular services not covered when you are on a leave of absence?
We recommend connecting with your phase advisor, Wenia Lee, about specifics regarding leaves of absences.
In general, you will have access to UCSF email, the CLE and online teaching resources. You will not have access to the gym or library facilities. Your health insurance ends during LOA, but you can pay out of pocket to extend UCSF health coverage for two quarters. You can also make use of the health insurance plans available in the City and County of San Francisco. Students can be unregistered for five quarters and still maintain access to electronic services. Please see the “Access to Electronic Systems when Not Registered” page.
Keep in mind, students on LOA can only do limited clinical activities of a specific type. In general, the school’s liability does not cover you for clinical rotations.
If your LOA is with another UCSF professional school or you are still affiliated with the University through another joint degree program, none of your services will end, and you will go on that school’s health insurance.