GME Pathways Faculty and Staff

Kristina Sullivan, MD is the Director of the GME Pathways program, the Director of the Anesthesia Residency Training Program, the Associate Chair for Anesthesia Education in the UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, and the Director of Curricular Affairs for GME for the UCSF School of Medicine. Dr. Sullivan grew up in the Seattle area and graduated from Santa Clara University with a degree in Biology. After medical school at Georgetown University, she completed an internal medicine residency at Stanford, followed immediately by anesthesia residency at UCSF. After two residencies, Dr. Sullivan then completed two fellowships - critical care medicine and cardiac anesthesia, both at UCSF and joined as faculty in 2007. Dr. Sullivan was drawn to an academic career by the constant pursuit of teaching and learning. In the earlier years of her career, she was focused on becoming a highly effective teacher in the classroom and at the patient’s bedside. Since 2008, Dr. Sullivan has served as the director of the anesthesia internship, and one year later also assumed the role of associate residency program director. In addition to her residency program contributions, Dr. Sullivan has been a leader in the medical student programs, including serving as clerkship director to the Parnassus Integrated Student Clerkship Experience (PISCES) longitudinal anesthesia clerkship. Dr. Sullivan was selected in 2014 for membership in the prestigious UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators and serves as the Sol Shnider Endowed Chair for Anesthesia Education, one of the very few education-related endowed chairs among US anesthesiology departments.