WGEA Call for Mini-Grant Proposals Now Open

Class at Education Showcase
The Western Group on Educational Affairs (WGEA) seeks to promote scholarship in medical education and advance the community of scholarship within the Western region. To that end, funds are available for investigators via a mini-grant program. Investigators can request up to $5,000 to initiate a new study or up to $1,000 for completing an ongoing study.
- The Principle Investigator must be a faculty member at a WGEA member school
- Applicants may submit only one proposal per cycle and may not be an author on any other proposal currently receiving WGEA and national GEA funding
- Applicants may not be current members of the WGEA executive committee
Priority will be given to multi-institutional studies that will enhance the community of scholars in the Western region.
Please review the full call for further information. UCSF scholars can email CFE Educational Researcher Christy Boscardin, PhD for more information.
Save the Date
2019 WGEA Regional Meeting
March 28-31, 2019
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Reno, NV
Hosted by the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Call for Proposals will open in early September