Inside MSC-South, San Francisco's Largest Homeless Shelter

Katie Machado (left) and Henry Carter (right), co-directors of the Clinic Leadership Board, prepare supplies for the Shelter Clinic's Health Fair in June 2019.
When does the Clinic open?” I hear amongst the bustle, as I walk down the crowded aisles of beds at the Multi-Service Center South with my pen, notepad, and stethoscope.
I’m spotted easily, as this is a routine that has been familiar to the MSC-South since 1991. As I survey the shelter, I see scores of men and women sitting patiently with their scant belongings, waiting for a bed to sleep in for the night.
The MSC-South is San Francisco’s largest homeless shelter, located at 525 5th Street, and it is home to the UCSF Shelter Clinic. Here, teams of UCSF medical students, nursing and nurse practitioner students, and UCSF physicians or residents deliver urgent health care and referral services to shelter residents. Having expanded services since its opening to include dermatology, ophthalmology, pharmacy, dental, women and men’s emotional support, and women’s health, the Clinic has also taken on the role of educating the next generation of future healthcare providers on the unique needs of people experiencing homelessness. Access the full article online