Detailed Application Instructions

Step 1: Consultation

We recommend requesting consultations prior to application submission

Step 2: Application Submission

Send us the following in the order indicated, with page numbers and study name on each page:

  1. Application Face Sheet
  2. Narrative Research Proposal. Three-five pages, single-spaced, including:
    • Specific Aims
      • Hypotheses/research questions
      • Significance
    • Background
      • Supporting literature
      • Theoretical/conceptual framework
    • Preliminary work (if applicable)
    • Methods
      • Design
      • Subjects and setting
      • Power calculation (if possible/relevant)
      • Intervention (if applicable)
      • Measures (include validity or plan to address)
      • Procedures
      • Planned analyses
    • Study Timeline
  3. Bibliographic References
  4. Application Budget Form
    • Complete the budget form.
    • Write a budget justification for the following categories of expenses:
      • Personnel: roles and time commitment for faculty involved, and what the faculty member(s), and any student, trainee or research assistant, will be doing.
      • Other expenses: rationale for any other budgeted items listed in the budget form
      • Allowable expenses: research assistant time, transcription, participant incentives, materials, equipment (except computer hardware), software, travel to research sites.
      • Non-allowable expense examples: faculty release time, memberships, journal subscriptions, meeting travel, computer hardware.
  5. Current CVs in UCSF format for all participating faculty.