Additional Funding Opportunities
Academic Senate - Chancellor's Funds
The Chancellor's Funds are available for UCSF Faculty in any series (Clinical X, In Residence, Ladder Rank, Adjunct, and Health Sciences Clinical) who at least 50% time and cannot be WOS. Funds are given in faculty learning and development, faculty enrichment needs, and travel grants once or several times a year. Check website early in the year. The deadlines are generally in March for certain grants.
Check website regularly for additional information on availability.
Resource Allocation Program (RAP)
The Resource Allocation Program offers a single online application process for a variety of intramural grant offerings. The program has two funding cycles in the Fall and Spring, with deadlines in September and February.
The Spring 2019 call for applications begins on Monday, January 28
WGEA Mini-Grant Initiative
The WGEA Mini-Grant Initiative is providing a funding opportunity to both experienced and new investigators in the area of medical education research. This small grants program is meant to promote medical education research within the Western region. WGEA has made a total of $12,000 available. Investigators can request up to $5,000 to initiate a new study. A maximum of $1,000 are granted to investigators needing funds to complete ongoing projects (“finishing grants”). Priority will be given to multi-institutional projects that foster collaborations among WGEA institutions or sections (i.e., UGME, GME, CEI, and MESRE). Applications due in late September.
AERA (American Educational Research Association)
This program provides small grants, fellowships, and training for researchers conducting educational policy studies using quantitative methods.
Association of American Medical Colleges
Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teaching Awards
Funds for $10,000 grants to recognize the significant contribution to medical education made by gifted teachers.
The Edward J. Stemmler Medical Education Research Fund of the National Board of Medical Examiners
This fund offers support for research or development of innovative assessment approaches that may enhance the assessment of those preparing to or continuing to practice medicine. A maximum grant of $70,000 may be granted for a project period up to two years.
Foundation for Advancement of International Education and Research (FAIMER)
FAIMER is a non-profit foundation committed to improving world health through education.
International Fellowships in Medical Education
Funds for faculty from schools of medicine abroad to gain access to educational opportunities in the US. Fellows study aspects of medical education that have the potential to improve and expand medical education programs in their home country institutions and departments. Eligible areas of study include educational methodology, curriculum design, and evaluation systems. Study may be conducted in departments of medical education or traditional disciplines of clinical or basic sciences.
The Foundation Center Online Directory
The Foundation Center Directory Online is a subscription service of 200,000 grants of $10,000 or more.
Foundation Directory, an annual bound volume of the directory, is available in the Weill Cornell Medical College Library. Grants can be searched using an index of funding areas. This version is most useful for seeking information if you know the name of a granting agency or foundation.
Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Funds for curricular programs involving humanism, ethics, compassion in medicine:
Gold Humanism Scholars at the Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators - sponsors partial scholarships of $5,000 for Gold Humanism Scholars at the Harvard Macy Institute (HMI) Program for Educators in the Health Professions.
Picker Gold Challenge Grants for Residency Training - faculty from any graduate medical education program that is accredited by the ACGME or one of the Canadian certification colleges (CFPC, RCPSC).
Grants.Gov (US Dept of HHS)
To find and exchange information about 300 HHS and other Federal grant programs, this site serves the general public, the grantee community, and grant-makers.
John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc.
Aging and Health Program
Funds for conferences and seminars and program development that enhances geriatric training.
Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Health Workforce Grants (Bureau of Health Workforce):
Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health
Cancer Research Education Grants Program (R25) - Funds for development and implementation of curriculum dependent programs to train predoctoral and postdoctoral candidates in cancer research settings that are highly interdisciplinary and collaborative
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Opportunities and Notices
Grantforward (formerly IRIS: The Illinois Researcher Information Service)
A free online database listing government and private grant support.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
This foundation annually funds program development, faculty scholars, seed money, particularly in areas related to health services, chronic health care, and substance abuse.
The National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good
Funds for support of research in any discipline that explores higher education’s role in serving the public good.
Larsen Fund
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
Funds program development, conferences, seminars, curriculum development. Also provides Board and President's grants.
National Academy of Education Fellowships
Fellowship support to study matters relevant to improvement of education
Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs
National Palliative Care Research Center
The National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC) is committed to stimulating, developing, and funding research directed at improving care for seriously ill patients and their families.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Funding Opportunities
Funds program development, conferences, seminars, seed money in the field of alcoholism
Christopher D. Smithers Foundation
The focus of The Christopher D. Smithers Foundation, Inc. is prevention, treatment and education about alcohol use disorder and other substance use disorders.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy - Guide to Grants: The Guide to Grants is an electronic database of foundation and corporate grants. Subscription rates are available for terms ranging from one week to one year.
Need assistance? Please contact Patricia O'Sullivan, EdD, [email protected].