Education Showcase

Person with long curly hair speaking

Education Showcase

The Center for Faculty Educators presents UCSF's Annual Education Showcase is a two-day event highlighting the scholarly work of UCSF students, residents, faculty, and enhanced by visiting scholars. The program will be filled with opportunities for faculty development and to see the variety and quality of the work in which our UCSF colleagues are engaged throughout the year.

The program features keynote lectures and peer-reviewed oral presentations reporting scholarly work in health professions education. Short URL to this page:

Showcase Archive

Education Showcase 2024

Keynote Lecture and AAMC AI Webinar Series Lecture, Opportunities for AI in Education, Thursday, May 9

Many of us are wondering about how AI can benefit us in our work, while some are concerned about bias. During this lecture, the presenters will share the key features of current AI tools. In addition, they will describe how we can optimize AI to benefit health professions education, while describing some applications and use cases of AI in our profession that are happening now, to help us identify the potential implications and next steps for educators.

Keynote Speakers 2024 


Panel Discussion, What are Current Use Cases of AI within Education, Friday, May 10


We have convened a diverse panel of experts to help us explore the applications of AI in the various UCSF schools. During the discussion, panelists will address challenges and barriers to AI integration, and brainstorm ways to increase collaboration across schools and campuses.




Education Showcase 2023
Education Showcase 2022
Education Showcase 2021
Education Showcase 2020
Education Showcase 2019




2019 Program and Abstracts



Information and Questions: Please email Kathleen Land, [email protected], or call at (415) 514-9259.