Contact the Academy
Academy Central
- Ann Poncelet, MD, Director and William G. Irwin Endowed Chair,
- Raquel Rodriguez-Piscitello, Director, Center for Faculty Educators,
- Kathleen Land, Program Manager,
- Karen Brent, Communications Analyst,
- Kirsten Sund, Operations Analyst,
Join or Post to Our Discussion Group on Microsoft Teams
- It's easy to post an announcement or initiate a conversation:
- Log into MyAccess and go select Email in the Cloud and select Microsoft Teams in your apps menu
- If you are a member, you will see the AME Members team (or click on the link). Private - request an invitation if not a member.
- Type your announcement or comment in the dialogue box at the top of the Academy of Medical Educators page and click the green "Share" button.
Mailing Address:
The Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators, CFE
Office of Medical Education, Box 0710
521 Parnassus, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143