Visiting Student Program Overview
Visiting Student Program 2025 - 2026 Update
The UCSF Visiting Student Program will continue to operate normally for the 2025 - 2026 Cycle.
Please note the following program dates, which are subject to change or cancellation:
- 2025 - 2026 Catalog posted (no applications) - February 1, 2025
- Learners may begin applying - February 10, 2025 (Will be open by end of day)
- UPDATE (2/13/25): The catalog is now open. Departments OTOL & OBGYN have not posted their electives, so please check back at a later time.
- Notification of application approvals (sending offers) - Tentatively April 21, 2025 (Dependent on UCSF student scheduling)
The dates above and the reopening the Visiting Program are all subject to change so please check here for updates.
Please contact the Visiting Student Program manager Valerie Jones ([email protected]) for any questions.
General Information
- Application dates: Applications for visiting clinical electives are accepted beginning February 1 of each year. Each department has their own review process, so please contact them for specific questions. Students will receive notification of their application status starting April 20 of each year after UCSF students have enrolled in their 4th-year clerkships. Although approvals are not strictly given on a first-come-first-serve basis, it's best to submit your application as soon as you're ready because most departments review application as they come in.
- Academic standings: Applicants must be in good academic standing and actively progressing toward a Doctor of Medicine degree at an affiliated LCME-accredited institution, or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree at an affiliated COCA-accredited, AACOM member institution.
- Application Portal: The UCSF School of Medicine uses the AAMC Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS) to receive applications from US medical and osteopathic students.
- Visiting Student Disclosure Consent: Applicants must sign and upload the Visiting Student Disclosure Consent form as a supplemental document in VSAS.
- AAMC Standardized Immunization Form: Applicants must use the complete the AAMC Standardized Immunization Form in conjunction with either the student health office at your medical school or with their primary care provider.
- International Students: UCSF does not accept students enrolled in international institutions for clinical experiences. Exceptions:
- Puerto Rico: As a U.S. Territory with LCME accredited institutions, students can apply.
- Canada: Students attending Canadian schools that have LCME accreditation and are a part of AAMC VSLO can apply. ($550 admission fee).
- Clinical Elective Restrictions: The maximum amount of clinical elective time for visiting students is 3 months (12 weeks) at UCSF. Research electives may be longer.
- Application Fee: Once accepted, applicants must pay $300 processing fee, using instructions provided by the department contact.The $300 processing fee is required for each elective, even if in the same department. UCSF accepts credit card payments only. Once you are offered an elective, the department coordinator will contact you with payment instructions. Students attending Canadian institutions will pay a $550 fee.
- UCSF Disability Accommodations: Accepted visiting students, Residents or Fellows who require disability accommodations in order to meet academic standards should contact the UCSF Office of Student Disability Services a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of any rotation or as soon as the need for the accommodation is identified. Later requests may necessitate rescheduling of the rotation until accommodations can be arranged. AFFILIATE will inform Students/Residents who plan to rotate at UCSF of the need to request any needed accommodations as early as possible. The AFFILIATE agrees that all expenses related to the accommodation of Students/Residents with disabilities who rotate at UCSF under this agreement are the responsibility of the AFFILIATE.
- Withdrawing: Once scheduled and confirmed, visiting students who wish to withdraw must do so at least 8 weeks before their start date. Fees are non-refundable. All cancellations and changes must be made in writing to the department. If a visiting student withdraws from an elective less than 8 weeks before the starting date or fails to notify the department at all, a letter will be written to the student's dean.
Please click here for list of requirements and additional information
Visiting Elective Scholarship Program (VESP) Opportunities
UCSF welcomes all students to apply for away clerkships. In doing so, we provide qualified students various visiting elective scholarships through our Visiting Elective Scholarship Program (VESP) to help ease the transition into an away rotation.
The VESP, supported by the UCSF School of Medicine, was established to encourage fourth year medical students who are either disadvantaged, committed to working with marginalized and traditionally disenfranchised populations, OR are committed to UCSF’s PRIDE values to apply for a clinical elective at UCSF. The program provides financial assistance to awardees.
For more information regarding deadlines, eligibility requirements, and specific stipend information, please visit the Visiting Elective Scholarship Program Web Page.
To apply, please fill out the Visiting Elective Scholarship Program Application:
Department-Specific VESP Application: If you are applying for a scholarship for electives in Emergency Medicine, Radiology, Urology Orthopedics, or General Surgery, please apply through their specific applications
Application Instructions
US Medical and Osteopathic Students
- Only students enrolled at an affiliated LCME-accredited institution or COCA-accredited, AACOM member institutions may use the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) Portal to submit applications and supporting documentation.
- Login and search the AAMC VSLO website for your preferred electives and dates then follow application instructions to apply. If you don't currently have access, you can use the public AAMC VSLO Elective Search to find current UCSF electives.
- If you need more information about UCSF's Visiting Electives, please visit our Department Information Website.
Canadian Medical Students
- UCSF accepts students from Canadian institutions with which we have a Training Affiliation Agreement (TAA).
- Applications should be submitted through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) portal.
International Medical Students
- UCSF DOES NOT accept students attending international schools for clinical experiences.
Training Affiliation Agreements
UCSF School of Medicine requires an approved Training Affiliation Agreement (TAA) with your home institution to allow for participation in the visiting medical student program. Where appropriate, UCSF School of Medicine uses the AAMC Uniform Clinical Training Affiliation Agreement.
Students who are in good academic standing and actively progressing toward a Doctor of Medicine degree at an affiliated LCME-accredited institution, or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree at an affiliated COCA-accredited, AACOM member institution, are welcome to apply; all applications will be considered. For students from institutions without a TAA, we have a process for reviewing applications and will contact your school to request a TAA as needed. Please DO NOT contact UCSF regarding TAAs. The TAA must be approved before a student can be offered a rotation at UCSF.
For a listing of institutions with affiliation agreements, see the most recent Training Affiliation Agreement Report.
Questions about Training Affiliations can be directed to the Visiting Student Program Manager Valerie Jones.
Nondiscrimination / Equal Opportunity Compliance Statement
The University of California, San Francisco, in compliance with the Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in any of its policies, procedures, or practices; nor does the university discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access to, and treatment and employment in, university programs and activities, including but not limited to, academic admissions, financial aid, educational services, and student employment.
Contact Information
- Visiting Student Program Manager: General questions about applying can be directed to the VSAS Program Manager Valerie Jones
- Department Contact Information: If you have specific questions about clinical electives and/or requirements, please contact the Department Coordinator directly which you can find at the link below.
Department Contact & Elective Info Web page
- For help using the VSLO Application process, refer to the help page on the AAMC web page or contact them directly at [email protected]