White Coat Ceremony

Sunday, August 11
2:00 p.m. (PDT)

The 2024 White Coat Ceremony will include remarks from School of Medicine Dean, Dr. Talmadge E. King, Jr., Vice Dean for Education, Dr. Karen Hauer, and President of the UCSF Medical Alumni Association, Dr. Marc Schenker. 

The keynote speaker is Dr. Megan Mahoney, and Dr. Josué Zapata will lead the recitation of the Physician's Declaration.

The in-person ceremony is by invitation only, but all members of the UCSF community are invited to join via live stream.

UCSF Physician Declaration

This Declaration is minimally adapted from the Declaration of a New Doctor by the Imperial College of Medicine.

  • As a physician, I solemnly promise that I will serve humanity—caring for the sick, promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.
  • I recognize that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position.
  • I will practice medicine with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion—working with my fellow physicians and other health care professionals to meet the needs of my patients.
  • I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.
  • I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence my duty of care.
  • I will oppose policies in breach of human rights and will not participate in them. I will strive to change laws that are contrary to my profession’s ethics and will work towards a fair distribution of health resources.
  • I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.
  • I will recognize the limits of my expertise and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. As a lifelong learner, I will support teaching and research and strive to apply evidence-based practices to promote the advancement of medical knowledge.
  • I will uphold this promise to the best of my ability and will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly assess and respond to those of others.
  • I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.