N95 Masks Allow Us to Study Indoors
If F1 students have N95 masks doesn’t that alter our ability to do in-person learning indoors?
What is the best way to get a hold of Student Health?
What is the best way to get a hold of Student Health?
Are F1 students allowed to arrange our own shadowing preceptorship if there is sufficient PPE?
Are F1 students allowed to arrange our own shadowing preceptorship if there is sufficient PPE?
Will we receive adequate training for donning and doffing PPE?
Will we receive adequate training for donning and doffing PPE?
Fresno testing and safety
Is there anything different that students rotating in Fresno should know about testing or safety measures?
Beards and PPE
What about beards and PPEs?
Mask fitting
How is medical education helping with updated student mask fitting?
UCSF's face covering policies
What are UCSF's face covering policies?