What should I do if I have COVID-19 Symptoms or Exposure?
What should I do if I have COVID-19 Symptoms or Exposure?
Precautions for clinical rotations
Do you have any recommendations regarding precautions to avoid infection when we travel for clinical rotations or for volunteer activities?
Safety protocol
What additional safety protocol has UCSF implemented?
Fresno testing and safety
Is there anything different that students rotating in Fresno should know about testing or safety measures?
Tests for Clinical Placement
Who does a student contact at Student Health to schedule a test that is required for a clinical placement?
Up-to-date information about testing and protocol
Where can students go for up-to-date information about testing and protocol?
Student Housing PPE
Should students in student housing or shared apartments wear masks or PPE in common areas in the home?
Off-site rotations + COVID screening
If you have off-site rotations, and you answer yes to the UCSF screening tool, what happens?