Precautions for clinical rotations

Do you have any recommendations regarding precautions to avoid infection when we travel for clinical rotations or for volunteer activities?

  • Public transit is aware of risks to infection and trying to minimize interaction between passengers and drivers and the number of people on each train. Pay for public transit using the rear doors to minimize contact with drivers. When you get off of public transit, use hand sanitizer and wash your hands.
  • Remember, students are considered essential members of the healthcare team so that they may continue to advance towards graduation and support the health care teams as they are. This means that they may come to campus for educational experiences that require on-campus presence (e.g., sub-internships) and also ride UCSF shuttles.
  • UCSF medical students were provided a letter, which in conjunction with your valid UCSF ID, prove that you are essential members of the care team at UCSF Health and Core Affiliates. We recommend carrying a printed copy of the letter, and your UCSF ID when you leave your residence. If you have any questions or need a copy of the letter, please contact DoQuyen Tran-Taylor.
Updated Date
July 13, 2020