Non-ACGME Programs

To request a new Non-ACGME program, please complete the Non-ACGME New Program Request Form:

Non-ACGME New Program Request Submission Form

In order to complete the Non-ACGME New Program Request Form, you will need to attach the following documentation:

1. Program Description: The program description must be in the ECFMG non-standard program description format. This is the same format that would be required for J1 Visa paperwork for a trainee in a Non-ACGME fellowship training program. 

Guidelines for Training Program Description

2. Program Director CV

3. Block Diagram: The block diagram is a representation of the rotation schedule for a given fellow in a given fellowship year. It offers information on the type, location, length, and variety of rotations for that year. The block diagram shows the rotations a fellow would have each year; it does not represent the order in which they occur. Please do one diagram per year of training. The block diagram does not include trainee names. 

Block Diagram Instructions

4. Goals and Objectives: The goals and objectives should be written by year of training (PGY) and rotation/site. If the program does not have multiple rotations/sites then include overall program goals/objectives. 

5. Letter of Support: This letter should be on letterhead and signed by the program director as well as the department chair, division, chief, and/or vice chair of education. It does not need to be longer than a couple sentences that state the department supports the creation of the new program, who the program director is, when the program will start its first fellows, and how the program will be funded.


   Template Letter of support for new non-acgme program request.PDF

Once the documents and the form are reviewed and approved by the Office of GME, the program will be created in UCMe and MedHub, and the program director and program administrator will be contacted. 



For MedHub questions, contact

For UCMe questions, contact Brittany Boznanski.

For questions about the above process, contact Jennifer Vogt.