
Available Electives

Department Contacts

Doris Masferrer
UCSF Department of Pediatrics, Box 0110
Mission Hall Bldg., 550 16th St., 4th Floor
San Francisco CA 94158 

(NOTE: for inter-campus and USPS mail, please use zip code 94143)


These required documents may be uploaded into the VSLO portal:

  1. Transcript (by your home institute)
  2. Copy of your CV
  3. A recommendation letter from a pediatric faculty member that you interacted with during your pediatric clerkship
  4. A copy of your pediatric clerkship evaluation
  5. USMLE Step 1 scores - please upload to VSLO (COMLEX scores cannot be used in lieu of USMLE)
  6. Visiting Student Disclosure Consent Form
  • Please do not directly contact individual course directors; all correspondence and inquiries must go through the Student Programs Office (contact info above)

Special Instructions

  • Department policy allows one missed day for interviews, with prior permission from faculty member in charge of elective.
  • To check if additional documents have been uploaded to VSLO or withdrawals have been submitted, please email Doris Masferrer.
  • Often times your home school will note that a mask fit test is not available. It is a UCSF requirement, so make sure you have one (N95) and your institution is aware of it.
  • Additional information can be found on the UCSF Visiting Students page